Commerce Projects

 Commerce Projects

Note: Use these Projects for Reference to complete your project with in time


Customers are the reason why reason why business exists. Without them a company can neither survive nor thrive. In their absence, an organization does not have a business or purpose. The main business of a company is to satisfy customer’s need and wants. Customer satisfaction is the key to organizational success. Therefore a marketer must have a thorough understanding customers and their behavior, a marketer can attempt to satisfy to satisfy customer’s needs and wants. Customer satisfaction is a post purchase evaluation of a service offering. In today’s competitive business environment success means keeping customers. Price war and margin will only do that favor up to a certain point.

Customer satisfaction is a term frequently used in marketing. It is a measure of how products and services supplied by a company meet or surpass customer expectations.

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Green products are those items considered eco-friendly. This means that the manufacturer of the particular product took the proper steps in ensuring that the environment was not harmed during its manufacturing process. The raw materials used in the product were derived from sustainable sources. And the production should have a low impact on the environment regarding waste, carbon emissions and energy use

Competition is one of the major challenges that a business man want to face in a modern world. Every industry is composed of many individual firms and each individual firm is providing similar goods and services. Naturally this situation makes a big chance for competition among this in order to becoming the market leaders every business wants to adopt different strategies.

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E-Banking means providing banking products and services through electronic delivery channels like ATM, internet banking, telephone banking and other electronic delivery channels. Internet banking highly useful to the customer one who have computer with internet connection, they need not visit bank branch for their business transactions.

Simply they can transact anywhere, anytime if they have internet dialling the telebanking number customer can get various facilities like cheque book request, balance enquiry etc...E-Banking includes the system that enables the financial institution customers, individual or business, to access accounts, transact business, or obtain information on financial products and services through a public or private network, including the internet.

Customers access E-Banking services using an intelligent electronic device, such as personal computer (PC), automated teller machine (ATM), kiosk or mobile phone.

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The Goods and Services Tax (GST), the biggest reform in India’s indirect tax structure since the economy began to be opened up 25 years ago, at last looks set to become reality. The Constitution (122nd) Amendment Bill finally got the nod of Rajya Sabha. Government successfully stitching together a political consensus on the GST Bill, to pave the way for much awaited roll out of the landmark tax reform that will create a common market of 1.25 billion people. GST will be a game changing reform for Indian economy by developing a common Indian market and reducing the cascading effect of tax on the cost of goods and services.

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“Microfinance” as a branch of economic development for those who lack access to resources has garnered considerably recognition over the last several years, much of it due to the 2006 awarding of the Nobel Peace Prise to Professor Mohammed Yunus, a US trained, Bangladeshi economist who serves as the global figurehead for the microfinance movement.

The committee has recognized microfinance as “an important liberating force” and “ever more important instrument in the struggle against poverty”.

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Teaching is the one of the most popular profession across the globe. Teachers are an important force in our society, not only because of their sheer numbers but much more because they are guarantors of the education of future  generations, especially in the developing countries like India. A teacher enjoys the privileged position of unleashing the human potential of students within the formal education system and thereby transforming the individuals, families, communities and society-at-large. 

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Online marketing is a set of powerful tools and methodologies used for promoting products and service through the internet. Online marketing includes a wider range of marketing elements than traditional business marketing due to extra channels and marketing mechanism available on the internet. Online marketing is advertising and marketing the products or services of a business over Internet. Online marketing relies upon websites or emails to reach to the users and it is combined with e-commerce to facilitate the business transactions. In online marketing, you can promote the products and services via websites, blogs, email, social media, forums, and mobile Apps. Online marketing strategy is critical for organization operating in markets with high internet penetration.

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The mobile phone industry is one of the fastest-moving industries in the world. The

market is growing rapidly with ever-emerging technologies and innovation. The industry is

highly concentrated, consisting of smart phones. In this era, Mobile phones are the important

gadgets required for a person. By using smart phones we can call, shop through online,

mobile banking, bill payment, Ticket booking, Recharge etc.

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In today world smart phone has become important part of everyday life. As it has become more affordable the number of smart phone users has increased dramatically. Not only smart phones are used as communication devices, but also to be used as socialized tool , entertainment tool , internet access tool , and even payment tool. Thanks to technology mobile users can nowadays use their smart phone to make money transaction or payment by using applications installed in the phone. Besides payment people can also store receipt, coupons, business cards, bills, etc... in their smartphones. 

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1 comment:

  1. Very useful Sir thanks for your valuable information
