OOPs Lab

Practical: Object Oriented Programming with C++

All the concepts of programs from Text Book including exercises must be practice, execute and write down in the practical record book. Faculty must take care about UG standard programs it should be minimum 25 – 30. In the external lab examination student has to execute at least three programs with compilation and deployment steps are necessary. External Viva-voce is compulsory.
Example programs:

1) Write a program to test Arithmetic operators.
2) Write a program to Swap two numbers.
3) Write a program to demonstrate Switch statement.
4) Write a program to find roots of a quadratic equation.
5) Write a program to check whether the given number is palindrome or not.
 6) Write a program to convert binary number to decimal number.
7) Write a program to print the following format. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
8) Write a program to search an element in a given list.
9) Write a program to perform addition of two Matrices.
 10) Write a program to perform multiplication of two Matrices.
 11) Write a program to find factorial of a given number using recursion.
12) Write a program to demonstrate Pointer arithmetic
13) Write a program to demonstrate Call-By-Value, Call-By-Address,Call-ByReference.
 14) Write a program to demonstrate Structure data type.
15) Write a program to demonstrate Enumerated data type.
) Write a program to demonstrate inline functions.
17) Write a program to demonstrate Function Overloading.
18) Write a c++ program to demonstrate Class concept.
19) Write a c++ program on Constructor overloading.
 20) Write a c++ program on Destructor.
21) Write a c++ program for copy constructor.
 22) Write a c++ program to demonstrate Friend function.
 23) Write a c++ program for Unary operator overloading (Friend function/Member function).
24) Write a c++ program for Binary operator overloading (Friend function/Member function).
25) Write a c++ program for Member Function overloading within a class
26) Write a c++ program for Single and Multilevel Inheritance.
27) Write a c++ program for Overriding of member functions.
28) Write a c++ program to demonstrate constructor calling mechanism in inheritance.
29) Write a c++ program for Multiple and Hybrid inheritance.
30) Write a c++ program to demonstrate pure virtual function implementation.


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