RDBMS Syllabus


UNIT-I: BASIC CONCEPTS: Database Management System - File based system - Advantages of DBMS over file based system - Database Approach - Logical DBMS Architecture - Three level architecture of DBMS or logical DBMS architecture - Need for three level architecture - Physical DBMS Architecture - Database Administrator (DBA) Functions & Role - Data files indices and Data Dictionary - Types of Database. Relational and ER Models: Data Models - Relational Model – Domains - Tuple and Relation - Super keys - Candidate keys - Primary keys and foreign key for the Relations - Relational Constraints - Domain Constraint - Key Constraint - Integrity Constraint - Update Operations and Dealing with Constraint Violations - Relational Operations - Entity Relationship (ER) Model – Entities – Attributes – Relationships - More about Entities and Relationships - Defining Relationship for College Database - E-R Diagram - Conversion of E-R Diagram to Relational Database.

UNIT-II: DATABASE INTEGRITY AND NORMALISATION: Relational Database Integrity - The Keys - Referential Integrity - Entity Integrity - Redundancy and Associated Problems – Single Valued Dependencies – Normalisation - Rules of Data Normalisation - The First Normal Form -The Second Normal Form - The Third Normal Form - Boyce Codd Normal Form - Attribute Preservation - Losslessjoin Decomposition - Dependency Preservation. File Organisation : Physical Database Design Issues - Storage of Database on Hard Disks - File Organisation and Its Types - Heap files (Unordered files) - Sequential File Organisation - Indexed (Indexed Sequential) File Organisation - Hashed File Organisation - Types of Indexes - Index and Tree Structure - Multi-key File Organisation - Need for Multiple Access Paths - Multi-list File Organisation - Inverted File Organisation.

UNIT-III: STRUCTURES QUERY LANGUAGE (SQL): Meaning – SQL commands - Data Definition Language - Data Manipulation Language - Data Control Language - Transaction Control Language - Queries using Order by – Where - Group by - Nested Queries. Joins – Views – Sequences - Indexes and Synonyms - Table Handling.

UNIT-IV : TRANSACTIONS AND CONCURRENCY MANAGEMENT: Transactions - Concurrent Transactions - Locking Protocol - Serialisable Schedules - Locks Two Phase Locking (2PL) - Deadlock and its Prevention - Optimistic Concurrency Control. Database Recovery and Security: Database Recovery meaning - Kinds of failures - Failure controlling methods - Database errors - Backup & Recovery Techniques - Security & Integrity - Database Security - Authorization.

UNIT-V: DISTRIBUTED AND CLIENT SERVER DATABASES: Need for Distributed Database Systems - Structure of Distributed Database - Advantages and Disadvantages of DDBMS - Advantages of Data Distribution - Disadvantages of Data Distribution - Data Replication - Data Fragmentation. Client Server Databases: Emergence of Client Server Architecture - Need for Client Server Computing - Structure of Client Server Systems & its advantages. LAB: SQL QUERIES BASED ON VARIOUS COMMANDS.

SUGGESTED READINGS: 1) Database Systems: R.Elmasri & S.B. Navathe, Pearson.; 2) Introduction to Database Management System: ISRD Group, McGraw Hill.; 3) Database Management System: R.Ramakrishnan & J.Gehrke, McGraw Hill.; 4) Modern Database Management: J.A.Hoffer,V.Rames &H.Topi, Pearson.;5) Database System Concepts: Silberschatz, Korth & Sudarshan, McGraw Hill. 6) Simplified Approach to DBMS: Parteek Bhaia, Kalyani Publishers.7) Database Management System: Nirupma Pathak, Himalaya. 8) Database Management Systems: Pannerselvam, PHI.9) Relational Database Management System: Srivastava & Srivastava, New Age 10) PHPMySQL Spoken Tutorials by IIT Bombay. 11) Oracle Database: A Beginner’s Guide: I.Abramson, McGraw Hill.

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