Web Technoligies syllabus

Web Technologies

UNIT-1 : HTML Basics 18 hrs
Introduction: HTML, XML, and the World Wide Web.
HTML: Basic HTML, The Document body, Text, Hyperlinks, Adding more formatting, Lists, Tables, Using colors and images, Images.
More HTML: Multimedia objects, Frames, Forms-towards interactivity, The HTML document ead in detail, XHTML- An evolutionary markup.
UNIT-2 : Introduction to the Style Sheets and Java Scripts. 18 hrs
Cascading Style Sheets: Introduction, Using styles: Simple examples, Defining your own styles, Properties and values in styles, Style sheets- A worked example, Formatting blocks of information, Layers.
An introduction to Java Script: What is dynamic html, Java Script, Javascript—The basics, Variables, String manipulation, Mathematical functions, Statements, Operators, Arrays, Functions.
UNIT-3 : Objects in Java Script and DHTML. 18 hrs
Objects in Java Script: Data and objects in java script, Regular expressions, Exception Handling, Built in objects, Events.
Dynamic HTML with Java Script: Data validation, Opening a new window, Messages and Confirmations, The status bar, Writing to a different frame, Rollover buttons, Moving images, Multiple pages in a single download, A text-only menu system, Floating logos.

UNIT-4 : ASP and XML. 18 hrs
Active Server Pages and Java: Active Server Pages, Java.
XML: Defining Data for Web applications: Basic XML, Document type definition, XML schema, Document Object Model, Presenting XML
Good Design: Structure, Tables versus Frames, Accessibility, Internationalization, Exercises. 

UNIT-5 : Web Based Softwares and Protocols. 18 hrs
Useful Software: Web browsers, Perl, Web servers, mod_perl, Databases, Accessing your   ISP, Exercises.
Protocols: Protocols, IP and TCP, Hyper Text Transfer Protocol, Common Gateway Interface, The Document Object Model, introducing the Document Object Model, Exercises. 
Case Study: The plan, The data

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