C Language Syllabus(Bsc(Cs) I-I)

With Effect from the Academic Year 2016-2017
DSC–3A                         Programming in C                               BS106

Unit –  I
Computer Fundamentals: Introduction of Computers, Classification of Computers, Anatomy of a Computer, Memory Hierarchy, Introduction to OS, Operational Overview of a CPU.
Program Fundamentals: Generation and Classification of Programming Languages, Compiling, Interpreting, Loading, Linking of a Program, Developing Program, Software Development.
Algorithms: Definitions, Different Ways of Stating Algorithms (Step-form, Pseudo-code, Flowchart), Strategy for Designing Algorithms, Structured Programming Concept.
Basics of C: Overview of C, Developing Programs in C, Parts of Simple C Program, Structure of a C Program, Comments, Program Statements, C Tokens, Keywords, Identifiers, Data Types,  Variables,  Constants, Operators and Expressions, Expression Evaluation–precedence and associativity, Type Conversions.
Unit –  II
Input-Output: Non-formatted and Formatted Input and Output Functions, Escape Sequences,
Control Statements: Selection Statements – if, if-else, nested if, nested if-else, comma operator, conditional operator, switch; Iterative Statements–while, for, do-while; Special Control Statement–goto, break, continue, return, exit.
Arrays and Strings: One and Two Dimensional Arrays, Character Arrays, Functions from ctype.h, string.h,Multi dimesional Arrays.

Unit –  III
Functions: Concept of Function, Using Functions, Call-by-Value Vs Call-by-reference, Passing Arrays to Functions, Score of Variables, Storage Classes, Inline Functions, and Recursion.
Pointers: Introduction, Address of Operator (&), Pointer, Uses of Pointers, Arrays and Pointers, Pointers and Strings, Dynamic Memory Allocation.
Unit –  IV
User-Defined Data Types: Declaring a Structure (Union) and its members, Initialization Structure (Union), Accessing members of a Structure (Union), Structures verses Unions, Enumeration Types.
Files: Introduction, Using Files, Working with Text Files and Binary Files, Other File Management Functions.


Pradip Dey, Manas Ghosh, Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C (2e)


  1.  Ivor Horton, Beginning CAshok Kamthane, 
  2. Programming in CHerbert Schildt,
  3.  The Complete Reference CPaul Deitel, Harvey Deitel,
  4.  C How To ProgramByron S. Gottfried, 
  5. Theory and Problems of Programming with CBrian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie, 
  6. The C Programming LanguageB. A. Forouzan, R. F. Gilberg,
  7.  A Structured Programming Approach Using C


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