Information Technology Syllabus (B.Com(Computers)I-I)

                                                                INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY

Objective: to acquire basic knowledge in Information Technology and its applications in the areas of business.


Introduction to computers - Generations of computers – An overview of computer system - Types of computers - Input & Output Devices.
Hardware: Basic components of a computer system - Control unit – ALU - Input/output functions - Memory – RAM – ROM – EPROM - PROM and Other types of memory.


Meaning - Definition & Functions - Types of OS - Booting process - DOS – Commands (internal &
external) - Wild card characters – Virus & Hackers – Cryptography & cryptology.
Windows: Using the Start Menu –Control Panel – Using multiple windows – Customizing the Desktop – Windows accessories (Preferably latest version of windows or Linux Ubuntu).


Application of word processing - Menus & Tool Bars - Word processor – Creating – Entering - Saving & printing the document - Editing & Formatting Text - Mail Merge and Macros (Preferably latest version of MS Word or Libre Office Writer).


Application of work sheet/spread sheet - Menus & Tool bars - Creating a worksheet - Entering and editing of numbers - Cell reference - Worksheet to analyze data with graphs & Charts.
Advanced tools: Functions – Formulae – Formatting numbers - Macros – Sorting - Filtering - Validation & Consolidation of Data (Preferably latest version of MS Excel or Libre Office Calc).


Application of Power Point Presentation – Menus & Tool bars – Creating presentations – Adding - Editing and deleting slides - Templates and manually – Slide show – Saving - Opening and closing a Presentation –Types of slides - Slide Views - Formatting – Insertion of Objects and Charts in slides - Custom Animation and Transition (Preferably latest version of MS Power Point presentation - Libre Office Impress).
Internet & Browsing: Services available on internet – WWW – ISP – Browsers.
Multimedia: Application of multimedia – Images – Graphics - Audio and Video – IT security.


1. Introduction to Computers: Peter Norton, McGraw Hill.

2. Fundamentals of Information Technology: Dr. NVN Chary, Kalyani Publishers.

3. Computer Fundamental: Anitha Goel, Pearson.

4. Information Technology Applications for Business: Dr. S. Sudalaimuthu, Himalaya

5. Introduction to Information Technology: ITL ESL, Pearson.

6. Introduction to Information Technology: V. Rajaraman, PHI.

7. Fundamental of Computers: Balaguruswamy, McGraw Hill.

8. PC Software under Windows: Puneet Kumar, Kalyani Publishers.

9. Information Technology and C language: Rajiv Khanna, New Age International.

10. Fundamentals of Information Technology: Alexis Leon, Vikas Publishing House.

11. Informational Technology: P. Mohan, Himalaya Publishing House.

12. Information Technology: R. Renuka, Vaagdevi Publishers.

13. OS-Linux Spoken Tutorials & Libre Office Spoken Tutorials by IIT Bombay.

14. Fundamentals of Information Technology: Rajiv Midha, Tax Mann Publications.


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