Web Programing Old_Question Papers(Bcom(comp))

September/October 2017
Time : 3 Hoursl                                                                                                Max. Marks :70
Part-A                                                   (5x4=20Marks)
1.       Answer any flve questions in not more than 20 lines each.
2.       Write about tags used for creating tables.
3.       Wrlte about Runtime error.
4.       What is Scripting language.
5.       XML processor.
6.       What is Multi-DimensionalArray?
7.       Types of Lists.
8.       What is the scope and life of a function.
9.       What is Data Binding?
Part-B                                                     (5 x 10 = 50 Marks)
Answer five of the following questions, not exceeding three pages each.
9. (a) write about graphical file format used in HTML, live example.
     (b) Write about the web designing principles.

10. (a) what is a transition? what are the different transitions?
     (b) What is cascading style sheet? Explain the external and embedded style sheet.

11. (a) What are the data types in VB-script? Explain.
    (b) Write about the user lnteractions in VB-Script.

12. (a) List out the various string functions of VB-script.
     (b) Write data validation techniques in Scripting language.

13. (a) Explain the XML style sheet.
    (b) Compare XML with other web designing languages.
Web Programming Sep/Oct-2015

Answer any Five of the Questions                                                                                                   (5*4=20)

1.       Explain Physical, Logical Tags. 
2.       Explain different types of errors in VBScript. 
3.       Write about importance of DHTML. 
4.       Write about Event Handling. 
5.       Write about Font tag’s attributes. 
6.       Write about ReDim statement in VBScript. 
7.       Write about XML Goals 
8.       Write the difference between HTML and XML.
Answer the following Questions.
1.       Define frame, Explain in detail with Example. 
“The Role of Designing Tecchniques  over web pages” – Explain. 

2.       Briefly Discuss the advantages of DHTML 
Explain Filters and Transitions in detail with example. 

3.       “Importance of Scripting Languages” – Explain. 
Define Validation. Types of User Interactions. 
4.       What is function? Explain types of functions with example. 
Explain String handling mechanism in VBScript with Example. 

5.       Describe XML style-sheets with example. 
Discuss the features of XML 
web Programming Mar/Apr-2015
Answer any Five of the following Questions                                                                                                   (5*4=20)
1.       Write about tags used for creating table. 
2.       Differentiate between HTML and DHTML. 
3.       What is scripting language? 
4.       What is a multiple array? 
5.       Write about XML style sheet.
6.       What is the use of padded tags? 
7.       Write about types of Errors 
8.       Write about XML processor.
Answer the following Questions.
1.       Explain formatting tags with attributes. 
Explain graphics used in web pages. 

2.       Explain multimedia effects with Filters. 
Explain the dynamic changes to text style and graphics. 

3.       (Why do we use VBScript? Explain. 
What is a variant? Explain Data types VBScript.

4.       What is an array? Explain array handling mechanism. 
What is function? Explain the string functions with examples. 

5.       Explain the XML DTD. 
Explain the XML DOM. 
Web Programming Oct/Nov-2014
Answer any Five of the following Questions                                                                                                   (5*4=20)

1.       Write about alt attribute.
2.       What is Dynamic positioning.
3.       What is <script> tag?
4.       What is a multiple array?
5.       Write about XML DOM.
6.       Write about types of lists.
7.       Write about style rule.
8.       Write about types of scripting language.
Answer the following Questions.
1.       What are the attributes associated with image tag. 
What are the guidelines to follow while designing a website. 

2.       Write about different types of event handlers. 
What is CSS and explain its types. 

3.       What are the different operators in VBScript. 
Write about user interactions in VBScript. 

4.       List out various string function of VBScript. 
Write about data validation techniques. 

5.       Write about hyperlinks in XML. 
What are the differences between XSL and CSS.
Web Programming Mar/Apr-2014
Answer any Five of the following Questions   (5*4=20)

1.       List the web designing principles.
2.       What is Dynamic HTML.
3.       What is server-side programming?
4.       What is the scope and life of a function?
5.       Write about XML DOM.
6.       Write about XML style-sheet.
7.       Write about Runtime errors.
8.       What is a function?
Answer the following Questions.
1.       Explain the form elements used in creating a web page. 
How do you create frames in webpage? Explain with an example. 

2.       Write about different types of errors. 
What is CSS and explain its types. 

3.       Explain data types in VBScript. 
What is a scripting language? Why do we use VBScript? 

4.       What is a string? Explain string functions with examples. )
Differentiate between singular array and multiple array. Write sample script for multiplication table

5.       Explain XML style sheet.   
Compare XML with other web designing language. 
Web Programming Oct/Nov-2013
Answer any Five of the following Questions                                                                                                   (5*4=20)

1.       Write about different graphic files available in HTML.
2.       What is a filter? Why is it used?
3.       Differentiate between client-side and server-side scripting.
4.       Discuss various different looping statements in VBScript.
5.       Explain the importance of XML.
6.       What is Document Object Model?
7.       Write about features of VBScript.
8.       What are XML style sheets?
Answer the following Questions.

1.       Write about web designing principles. 
Write a HTML program to demonstrate list of items using <OL> and <UL>.

2.       What is event handling? What are various event handlers? 
What is a transition? What are different transitions? 

3.       What are data types in VBScript. 
What are the different looping statements in VBScript? 
4.       Explain about array handling mechanism. 
Write data validation techniques. 

5.       What are the elements and attributes in XML? Give Examples. 
What are features of XML DOM. 
Web Programming Mar/Apr-2013
Answer any Five of the following Questions   (5*4=20)
1.       Write about different formatting tags.
2.       Write about system errors.
3.       Write about client-side programming.
4.       Write about string functions.
5.       Write about XML DTD.
6.       Compare HTML and DHTML.
7.       Write a program on frames.
8.       Write about CSS.
Answer the following Questions.
1.       Write about graphics in HTML. 
Write about web designing principles. 

2.       Write about DOM. 
Write about multimedia effects with filters. 

3.       Write about features of VBScript. 
Write about data types of VBScript. 

4.       Write data validation techniques. 
Write about array handling mechanism. 

5.       Write XML query language. 
Write about XML Document Object Model 
Web Programming Oct/Nov-2012
Answer any Five of the following Questions                                                                                   (5*4=20)
1.       Write about various controls of forms.
2.       Discuss about transitions with an example.
3.       Write short notes on procedures in VBScript.
4.       What are subtypes of a variant.
5.       What are the features of XML.
6.       How to create color values in HTML explain.
7.       What is CSS explain with example.
8.       What is XML query language.
Answer the following Questions.
1.       What are different formatting tags used in HTML


C language

Write a program to demonstrating rowspan
 and colspan for below shown table

2.       What is event handling? what are its uses?
Explain about different types of filters and transitions.

3.       Explain about scripting languages? Write differences with client-side scripting.
What are the data types of VBScript 

4.       Explain about array handling in VBScript. 
Write about data validation using VBScript example. 

5.       Explain the rules of XML syntax. 
Explain about Hyperlinks with an example. 
Web Programming Mar/Apr-2013
Answer any Five of the following Questions   (5*4=20)
1.       What is a frame in HTML? Give example.
2.       What is DHTML? Explain its features.
3.       What is a constant in VBScript?
4.       What is variable? Explain different rules for declaring variables.
5.       What are the differences between HTML and XML?
6.       Explain the process of hyperlinks.
7.       Discuss about dynamic content.
8.       Write XML DTD.
Answer the following Questions.

1.       Differentiate between the rules of padded and unpadded tags. 
Write a program to display a table as below. 

2.       How do you create multimedia effects with filters and transitions? 
What are the style rules required for a CSS file. 

3.       Explain about user interactions in VBScript. 
How do you handle runtime errors in VBScript?

4.       Explain about array handling in VBScript. 
Write about data validation using VBScript with an example. 

5.       What are the features of XML DOM. 
Explain the rules of XML syntax. 


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