C&Cpp Imp Questions

Programming with C&C++  Important Questions


1. What is data type explain ?What is operator ?Explain different types of operators in c?

2. Discuss Scope and lifetime of variables with example?

3. List and explain various sections in basics structure of a c program?

4. Discuss Type conversions in c language? explain?

5. Explain History & Features of C language?


1. Explain conditional statement with example?

2. Explain looping statements with example?

3. Explain Jumping statements with example?

4.Explian Switch Statement with example?


1. Define String? Explain string handling functions with example?

2. what is built in function? Explain mathematical ,date and time, functions?

3. Explain need of user defined function?What is function explain various  elements of function?

4. a . Explain formatted input ,output functions in c?

b. Recursion 

5. Explain below

a.Call by value b. Call by reference

6. What is an array? Explain it 1D,2D Arrays with example?


1. What is pointer ? Explain with example?

2. Explain pointer arithmetic operations?

3. What is structure Explain with example?Explain Array of structure ?

4. What is union ? Explain with example?

5. What is Enumerated data type? Explain with example?

6. Compare structure with union?


1. Explain object oriented concepts in C++?

2. Compare C and C++?

3. What is Structure of C++ program?

4. Explain storage classes in C++?

5.What is Inheritance? Explain Types of Inheritance?


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