DS imp


Important questions Data Structures using C++


  1. What is Data structures ? Explain Types of data structure’s?
  2. Define Algorithm? Explain Analysis of algorithm?
  3. Explain 1d,2d arrays with example and Discuss memory representation and address calculation for 1d,2d array?
  4. What is stack ?Explain primitive operations of stack with example program?
  5. Explain infix, prefix, postfix notations and explain the steps to convert infix expression to postfix form?
  6. Explain Processing function calls ,Reversing a string, checking well-formed parenthesis?
  7. Explain Evaluating Postfix Expression?



  1. What is recursion ?Explain types of recursion?
  2. Explain the tower of honoi problem ?
  3. Define queue ? Explain with it’s operations with a program?
  4. Discuss circular queue with example program?
  5. Discuss single , double linked lists  operations with example program?



  1. What is binary tree ? Explain Representation of binary tree?
  2. Explain binary tree traversal techniques – Preorder, In order ,Postorder?
  3. What is graph? Explain Graph representations with examples?
  4.  Explain Graph traversal techniques with examples?
  5. What is spanning tree ? Explain minimum spanning tree ? Explain prims and Kruskal algorithm?
  6. Define Hashing? Explain Hashing Types and Collision Resolution Strategies with examples?


  1. Explain Linear search technique with an example program?
  2. Explain Binary search technique with an example program?
  3. Explain Quick sort technique with an example program?
  4. Explain mergesort technique with an example program?
  5. Explain selection sort technique with an example program?
  6. Explain Heapsort technique with an example program?



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