imp C

Programming In C Important Questions


  1. Discuss about the classification of Computers.
  2. Write about the anatomy of a Computer.
  3. Discuss the generations of programming languages.
  4. What is Algorithm? Explain different ways of stating an algorithm.
  5. What is C? Explain how to develop a program in C?Explain Various Parts of C program?
  6. Explain about C Tokens?
  •          Keywords
  •          Data types
  •         Identifiers
        7. Write about different operators in C.
        8. What is type conversion?



  1. Write about the I/O functions in C(Non-formatted input/output functions Formatted input/output functions.)?
  2. Write about the selection/conditional statements in C(If,If-else,If-elseif –else,Switch)?
  3. Explain about loops/iterative Statements with examples?
  4. Differentiate between break ,continue and goto statement.
  5. What is an array? Explain types of arrays with examples(1D Array,2D Array?
  6. What is a String? Explain about the string manipulation functions




  1. What is a Function? Explain the elements of functions.
  2. What are the types of functions? Explain.
  3. Differentiate Call-by-Value Vs Call-byreference.
  4. Write about the storage classes
  5. What is Recursion? Explain about the recursive functions.
  6. What is a Pointer? Explain
  7. What is an array of pointers and passing arrays to a function?
  8. What is dynamic memory allocation



  1. What is a Structure? Explain how to declare, access and initialize structure members.
  2. Explain about an array of structures.
  3. What is Union? Explain.
  4. Differentiate between Structures Vs Unions.
  5. What is Enumeration type?
  6. Define File. Explain the file operations in C.
  7. Explain random access to files of records.


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