Programming In C Important Questions
- Discuss about the classification of Computers.
- Write about the anatomy of a Computer.
- Discuss the generations of programming languages.
- What is Algorithm? Explain different ways of stating an algorithm.
- What is C? Explain how to develop a program in C?Explain Various Parts of C program?
- Explain about C Tokens?
- Keywords
- Data types
- Identifiers
8. What is type conversion?
- Write about the I/O functions in C(Non-formatted input/output functions Formatted input/output functions.)?
- Write about the selection/conditional statements in C(If,If-else,If-elseif –else,Switch)?
- Explain about loops/iterative Statements with examples?
- Differentiate between break ,continue and goto statement.
- What is an array? Explain types of arrays with examples(1D Array,2D Array?
- What is a String? Explain about the string manipulation functions
- What is a Function? Explain the elements of functions.
- What are the types of functions? Explain.
- Differentiate Call-by-Value Vs Call-byreference.
- Write about the storage classes
- What is Recursion? Explain about the recursive functions.
- What is a Pointer? Explain
- What is an array of pointers and passing arrays to a function?
- What is dynamic memory allocation
- What is a Structure? Explain how to declare, access and initialize structure members.
- Explain about an array of structures.
- What is Union? Explain.
- Differentiate between Structures Vs Unions.
- What is Enumeration type?
- Define File. Explain the file operations in C.
- Explain random access to files of records.
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