Object Oriented Programming in C++ Important Questions


  1. Explain Structured Vs Object oriented programming?
  2. Compare C With C++language?
  3. Write About benefits and applications  of oops?
  4. Explain Data Types And Control Structures In C++?
  5. Explain In Detail About Operators In C++?
  6. Explain structure of C++ program?


  1. Define Constructor ?Explain Types Of Constructor ?Explain Constructor Overloading?
  2. Explain Concept of encapsulation?
  3. Explain the concept of dynamic memory allocation? 
  4. Define Class And Object ?Explain How Can We Create A Class And Object With An Example Program?


  1. Explain Operator Overloading With Example?
  2. Explain  Function  Overloading With Example?
  3. What is type conversion?
  4. Define Inheritance? Explain Various Types Of Inheritance With Example?


  1. What Is Polymorphism? Explain Types Of Polymorphism With Example?
  2. What Is Virtual Function ? Explain With Example?
  3. What Is Pure Virtual Function Explain With Example?
  4. Write And Explain Formatted I/O Operations?
  5. Write And Explain Non Formatted I/O Operations?
  6. Write about file pointer?


  1. What is stack ?Explain primitive operations of stack with example program?
  2. Define queue ? Explain with it’s operations with a program?
  3. Discuss single lists  operations with example program?
  4. What Is Exception ? Explain Exception Handling Mechanism?


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