
 Web Technology Important Questions


  1. Discuss Various tags in Html? Or Explain about Basic Formatting tags in Html?
  2. Define Frame? Explain the attributes supported by the <Frame> tag briefly?
  3. Explain about Table tag with an example program?
  4. Create a web page to display your class time table?
  5. Discuss in detail to add music/sound to a webpage with an  example?
  6. Explain various Form Controls with an example program?
  7. Explain Various types of lists in html?



  1. How style sheets are specified in Html?Or Explain different types of style sheets?Or Discuss briefly Internal(Embeded style sheets),Inline,External Style sheets?
  2. Discuss Different text and font properties in CSS with suitable examples?
  3. Discuss Various background properties?
  4. Explain the concept of box model with an example?
  5. Explain how the links can be styled of Give an example?



  1. Explain about Variables in JavaScript?
  2. Explain about DOM?(Document object model)?
  3. Explain about Various Control statements in java script?
  4. Explain about loops in javascript?
  5. Explain about events in javascript?
  6. Explain about structure of javascript program?
  7. Explain the concepts of putting your site on the web?
  8. Explain Operators in javascript?
  9. Explain about Functions in javascript?
  10. Explain about various built in objects in javascript?
  11. Explain about  1)Form validation 2)Form Enhancements



1.Discuss in detail the advantages of ajax applications over traditional web applications?

2.Explain in detail the features of xml?

3.Explain w3c xml schema document in detail?

4.Explain xsl transformations in detail?

5.Explain internal DTD and External DTD with example?

6.Explain briefly about ajax?

7.Explain xml Dom?




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