PhpWithMysql important questions

Unit - I:

1. What is PHP? Explain the Installation process?

2. Explain all operators in PHP?

3. Explain the conditional statements/Decision Statemens in PhP?

4. Explain looping statements in php With Example?

5. What is variable? How to declare variables in php?

6. Explain data types in php with examples?

7. Explain String functions with examples?

8. What is array? Explain types of arrays with examples?

Unit -II:

9. Explain the types of functions with examples?

10. Explain call by value and call by reference with examples?

11. What is recursion explain with examples?

12. Explain all oop’s concepts?

13. Explain method overloading and overriding?

14. Explain __get(),__set(),__call() methods in php?

15. a.Explain the types of inheritance ?

b.What is Class  ? Explain Php code to explain it?

16. How to capture the form data?Explain with example?

17. Explain the all form controls in php?

18. Explain get() & post() methods?

19. How to deal multivalued fields in forms

20. How to store php variables in forms

21. How to upload and submit a form ?Explain with example?

Unit - III: 

22. Explain all file handling functions in php?

23. How to connect the sql database explain with example?

24. a.How to manipulate the data in database by using php? (select, update, drop...)?

b. Explain Php Code to insert, delete record in a table using php code?

25. How to create member registration form in php? 

26. Explain the procedure to create a club database?

27. Explain the concept of working with directories in php?

28. Explain DDL statements used for Database Structure?

29.Explain MySQL field types?

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