

object - oriented programming (OOP) is a style of programming it’s a great way to build modular, reusable code, letting you create large applications that are relatively easy to maintain.

The OOP approach has become very popular with the PHP community in recent years.


What Is Object - Oriented Programming?

Objects model the real - world things, processes, and ideas that your application is designed to handle. An object - oriented application is a set of collaborating objects that independently handle certain activities.


For example, when a house is being constructed, the plumbers deal with the pipes, and the electricians deal with the wires. The plumbers don ’ t need to know whether the circuit in the bedroom is 10 amps or 20. They need only concern themselves with their own activities. A general contractor ensures that each subcontractor is completing the work that needs to be accomplished but isn ’ t necessarily interested in the particulars of each task.

An object - oriented approach is similar in that each object hides from the others the details of its implementation. How it does its job is irrelevant to the other components of the system. All that matters is the service that the object is able to provide.


Advantages of OOP

1.      OOP makes it easy to map business requirements to code modules.

2.      A second benefit of OOP is code reuse.

3.      Another OOP advantage comes from the modularity of classes.

4.      Applications written using OOP are usually relatively easy to understand.


Understanding Basic OOP Concepts


A class called Car , for example, would describe the characteristics and behaviors common to all cars.


In the real world, objects have characteristics and behaviors. A car has a color, a weight, a manufacturer, and a gas tank of a certain volume. Those are its characteristics. A car can accelerate, stop, signal for a turn, and sound the horn. Those are its behaviors. Those characteristics and behaviors are common to all cars. Although different cars may have different colors, all cars have a color.



An object is a specific instance of a class. For example, if you create a Car class, you might then go on to create an object called myCar that belongs to the Car class. You could then create a second object, yourCar , also based on the Car class.


Think of a class as a blueprint, or factory, for constructing an object. A class specifies the characteristics that an object will have, but not necessarily the specific values of those characteristics. Meanwhile, an object is constructed using the blueprint provided by a class, and its characteristics have specific values.



In OOP terminology, the characteristics of a class or object are known as its properties . Properties are much like regular variables, in that they have a name and a value (which can be of any type).

For example, the Car class might have properties such as color and weight .



The behaviors of a class — that is, the actions associated with the class — are known as its methods . Methods are very similar to functions; in fact, you define methods in PHP using the function statement. An object ’ s method can also access the properties of the object.


For example, an accelerate method of the Car class might check the fuel property to make sure it has enough fuel to move the car.

The methods of a class, along with its properties, are collectively known as members of the class.


Creating Classes and Objects in PHP

A class definition consists of the class keyword, followed by the name of the class, followed by the code that makes up the class, surrounded by curly brackets ( { } ).


To create a class, you use PHP ’ s class keyword. Here ’ s a really simple class:

class Car


// Nothing to see here; move along


$benz = new Car();

$maruthi = new Car();

print_r( $benz );                    // Displays “Car Object ( )”

print_r( $maruthi );              // Displays “Car Object ( )”


This code first defines the empty Car class as before, then creates two new instances of the Car class — that is, two Car objects. It assigns one object to a variable called $benz , and another to a variable called $maruthi . Note that, although both objects are based on the same class, they are independent of each other, and each is stored in its own variable.


Creating and Using Properties

Understanding Property Visibility

Each property of a class in PHP can have one of three visibility levels, known as public, private, and protected:


Public properties can be accessed by any code, whether that code is inside or outside the class. If a property is declared public, its value can be read or changed from anywhere in your script


Private properties of a class can be accessed only by code inside the class. So if you create a property that ’ s declared private, only methods inside the same class can access its contents.

(If you attempt to access the property outside the class, PHP generates a fatal error.)


Protected class properties are a bit like private properties in that they can ’ t be accessed by code

outside the class, but there ’ s one subtle difference: any class that inherits from the class can also access the properties.


Declaring Properties

To add a property to a class, first write the keyword public , private , or protected — depending on the visibility level you want to give to the property


class MyClass


public $property1; // This is a public property

private $property2; // This is a private property

protected $property3; // This is a protected property



Accessing Properties

You can access the corresponding object ’ s property value from within your calling code by using the following syntax:


$object-> property;


< ?php

class Car


public $color;

public $manufacturer;


$benz = new Car();

$benz-> color = “red”;

$benz-> manufacturer = “Mercedes”;

$maruthi = new Car();

$maruthi -> color = “green”;

$maruthi -> manufacturer = “Suzuki”;

echo “ <h2> Some properties: </h2> ”;

echo “ <p> The Benz’s color is “ . $benz-> color . “. </p> ”;

echo “ <p> The Maruthi’s manufacturer is “ . $maruthi-> manufacturer . “. </p> ”;

echo “ <h2> The \$benz Object: </h2> <pre> ”;


echo “ </pre> ”;

echo “ <h2> The \$maruthi Object: </h2> <pre> ”;

print_r( $maruthi );

echo “ </pre> ”;



Static Properties

You can also create static class properties in a similar way, by adding the static keyword just before the property name:

class MyClass


public static $myProperty;


Static members of a class are independent of any particular object derived from that class. To access a static property, you write the class name, followed by two colons ( :: ), followed by the property name (preceded by a $ symbol):


MyClass::$myProperty = 123;


Class Constants

To define a class constant, use the keyword const , as follows:

class MyClass


const MYCONST = 123;



Like static properties, you access class constants via the class name and the :: operator:

echo MyClass::MYCONST;


Working with Methods

Method Visibility

Methods have 3 visibility levels: public, private, and protected.

If a method is declared public, any code outside the class definition can also potentially call the method.

If a method is declared private, only other methods within the same class can call it. 

Finally, a protected method can be called by other methods in the class, or in a class that inherits from the class.


Creating a Method

To add a method to a class, use the public , private , or protected keyword, then the function

keyword, followed by the method name, followed by parentheses. You then include the method ’ s code within curly braces:


class MyClass


public function aMethod()


// (do stuff here)




Calling Methods

To call an object ’ s method, simply write the object ’ s name, then the same arrow used for accessing properties ( -> ), then the method name followed by parentheses:


$object-> method();


class MyClass


public function hello()


echo “Hello, World!”;



$obj = new MyClass;

$obj-> hello();                       // Displays “Hello, World!”


Adding Parameters and Returning Values

You add parameters and return values in much the same way as with functions.


public function aMethod( $param1, $param2 )


// (do stuff here)

return true;



Accessing Object Properties from Methods

To access an object ’ s property from within a method of the same object, you use the special variable name $this , as follows:

$this-> property;


class MyClass


public $greeting = “Hello, World!”;

public function hello()


echo $this-> greeting;



$obj = new MyClass;

$obj-> hello(); // Displays “Hello, World!”


Static Methods

To make a method static, add the static keyword before the function keyword in the method definition:


class MyClass


public static function staticMethod()


// (do stuff here)




To call a static method, write the class name, followed by two colons, followed by the method name and the arguments (if any) in parentheses:




Static properties, static methods are useful when you want to add some functionality that ’ s related to a class, but that doesn’t need to work with an actual object created from the class.


Making Your Classes Self - Contained with Encapsulation

One of the strengths of OOP is the concept of encapsulation . This means that a class ’ s internal data should be protected from being directly manipulated from outside, and that the details of the class ’ s implementation — such as how it stores values or manipulates data — should be hidden from the outside world. By doing this, you gain two advantages:

1.      You can change your class ’ s implementation details at any time without affecting code that uses the class

2.      You can trust the state of an object to be valid and to make sense


class Account


private $_totalBalance = 0;

public function makeDeposit( $amount )


$this-> totalBalance += $amount;


public function makeWithdrawal( $amount )


if ( $amount < $this-> totalBalance )


$this-> totalBalance -= $amount;




die( “Insufficient funds < br / > ” );



public function getTotalBalance()


return $this-> totalBalance;



$a = new Account;

$a-> makeDeposit( 500 );

$a-> makeWithdrawal( 100 );

echo $a-> getTotalBalance() . “ <br/> ”; // Displays “400”;

$a-> makeWithdrawal( 1000 );                   // Displays “Insufficient funds”


Object Overloading with __get(), __set(), and __call()

PHP can intercept attempts to read or write an object's properties, or call its methods. PHP can create three "magic" methods that you can use to intercept property and method accesses:

__get() is called whenever the calling code attempts to read an invisible property of the object

__set() is called whenever the calling code attempts to write to an invisible property of

the object

__call() is called whenever the calling code attempts to call an invisible method of the object


What is meant by “ invisible ” ?

In this context, invisible means that the property or method isn ’ t visible to the calling code. Usually this means that the property or method simply doesn ’ t exist in the class, but it can also mean that the property or method is either private or protected, and hence isn ’ t accessible to code outside the class.

To intercept attempts to read an invisible property, you create a method called __get() within your class. Your __get() method should expect a single argument: the name of the requested property.

It should then return a value; this value in turn gets passed back to the calling code as the retrieved property value.



class Car


public function __get( $propertyName )


echo “The value of ‘$propertyName’ was requested <br/> ”;

return “blue”;



$car = new Car;

$x = $car-> color;                                          // Displays “The value of ‘color’ was requested”

echo “The car’s color is $x <br/> ”;          // Displays “The car’s color is blue”



In this example, the Car class contains no actual properties, but it does contain a _get() method. This method simply displays the value of the requested property name, and returns the value “blue”. The rest of the script creates a new Car object, and attempts to retrieve the nonexistent property $car - > color , storing the result in a new variable, $x . Doing this triggers the Car object’s _get() method, which displays the requested property name ( “ color “ ) and returns the literal string “blue” . This string is then passed back to the calling code and stored in $x , as shown by the last line of code.


Using Inheritance to Extend the Power of Objects

Inheritance, Using this technique, you can create classes — known as child classes — that are based on another class: the parent class . A child class inherits all the properties and methods of its parent, and it can also add additional properties and methods.


Imagine that you ’ re creating a program to deal with various regular shapes, such as circles, squares, equilateral triangles, and so on. You want to create a Shape class that can store information such as number of sides, side length, radius, and color, and that can calculate values such as the shape ’ s area and perimeter. However, not all shapes are the same. Circles don ’ t really have a clearly defined number of sides, and you calculate an equilateral triangle ’ s area using a different formula than for a square. So if you wanted to handle all types of regular shapes in a single Shape class, your class ’ s code would get quite complicated.


By using inheritance, however, you can break the problem down into simpler steps. First, you create a parent Shape class that contains just those properties and methods that are common to all shapes. Then, you can create child classes such as Circle , Square , and Triangle that inherit from the Shape class.

To create a child class that ’ s based on a parent class, you use the extends keyword, as follows:


class Shape


// (General Shape properties and methods here)


class Circle extends Shape


// (Circle-specific properties and methods here)


It creates a parent Shape class, holding properties and methods common to all shapes, then creates two child classes based on Shape — Circle and Square — that contain properties and methods related to circles and squares, respectively.



         class Shape


           private $_color ="black";

           private $_filled = false;


           public function getColor()


             return $this->_color;



           public function setColor($color)


             $this->_color = $color;



           public function isFilled()


             return $this->_filled;



           public function fill()


             $this->_filled = true;



           public function makeHollow()


             $this->_filled = false;




         class Circle extends Shape


           private $_radius = 0;


           public function getRadius()


             return $this->_radius;



           public function setRadius($radius)


             $this->_radius = $radius;



           public function getArea()


             return M_PI * pow($this->_radius, 2);



         class Square extends Shape


           private $_sideLength = 0;


           public function getSideLength()


             return $this->_sideLength;



           public function setSideLength($length)


             $this->_sideLength = $length;


  public function getArea()


    return pow($this->_sideLength, 2);




$myCircle = new Circle;




echo "My Circle \n";

echo "My circle has a radius of". $myCircle->getRadius().".\n";

echo "It is". $myCircle->getColor()."and it is". ($myCircle->isFilled() ?"filled":"hollow").".\n";

echo "The area of my circle is:". $myCircle->getArea().".\n";

$mySquare = new Square;




echo "My Square \n";

echo "My square has a side length of". $mySquare->getSideLength(). ".\n";

echo "It is". $mySquare->getColor()."and it is". ($mySquare->isFilled()?"filled":"hollow").". </p>";

echo "The area of my square is:". $mySquare->getArea().".\n";



Overriding Methods in the Parent Class

To create a child class whose methods are different from the corresponding methods in the parent class, override methods from parent. PHP can override a parent class's method in the child class. To do this, simply create a method with the same name in the child class.

Then, when that method name is called for an object of the child class, the child class's method is run instead of the parent class's method:



    class Fruit {

      public function peel() {

        echo "I'm peeling the fruit...\n";



      public function slice() {

        echo "I'm slicing the fruit...\n";



      public function eat() {

        echo "I'm eating the fruit. Yummy!\n";



      public function consume() {







    class Grape extends Fruit {

      public function peel() {

        echo "No need to peel a grape!\n";



      public function slice() {

        echo "No need to slice a grape!\n";



echo "Consuming an apple...";

$apple = new Fruit;



echo "Consuming a grape...";

$grape = new Grape;





Preserving the Functionality of the Parent Class

To override the method of a parent class in your child class, and also use some of the functionality that is in the parent class's method.

You can do this by calling the parent class's overridden method from within the child class's method.

To call an overridden method, you write parent:: before the method name:





class Fruit {

      public function peel() {

        echo "I'm peeling the fruit...\n";


      public function slice() {

        echo "I'm slicing the fruit...\n";



      public function eat() {

        echo "I'm eating the fruit. Yummy!\n";



      public function consume() {







        class Banana extends Fruit {

          public function consume() {

            echo "I'm breaking off a banana...\n";





        $banana = new Banana;




Blocking Inheritance and Overrides with Final Classes and Methods

To lock down a class so that it can't be inherited from. To lock down one or more methods inside a class so that they can't be overridden in a child class. By doing this, you know that your class or methods within your class will always behave in exactly the same way. You can add the keyword final before a class or method definition to lock down that class or method.

You can add the keyword final before a class or method definition to lock down that class or method.



        final class HandsOffThisClass {

          public $someProperty = 123;

          public function someMethod() {

            echo "A method";



        // Generates an error:

        //"Class ChildClass may not inherit from final class (HandsOffThisClass)"

        class ChildClass extends HandsOffThisClass {




Using Abstract Classes and Methods

When can define a class abstract using the abstract keyword. An class which is defined as abstract cannot be instantiated.


Following are some important points about abstract class and method:

1.      An abstract class can have methods and properties just like any other normal class.

2.      An abstract class cannot be instantiated, hence we need to create a child class which extends it, then we can create object of the child class.

3.      If a class has even a single abstract method then the class should also be abstract.

4.      An abstract method is just the declaration, where we provide name of the method and argument, while the body part is empty.


Creating an abstract Class

To declare a class abstract, we need to use the abstract keyword before the name of the class.


Let's take an example:


    // abstract class

    abstract class Vehicle {


        // protected variable

        protected $name;


        // non-abstract public function start

        public function start() {

            echo $this->name. " - Engine start...<br/>";



        // non-abstract public function stop

        public function stop() {

            echo $this->name. " - Engine stop...<br/>";



        // non-abstract public function setName

        public function setName($name) {

            $this->name = $name;



        // abstract function mileage

        abstract public function mileage() {    





Working with Interfaces

An interface allows you to specify a contract that a class must implement. To define an interface, you use the interface keyword .

An interface consists of methods that contain no implementation. In other words, all methods of the interface are abstract methods. An interface can also include constants.


When you define a class (child class) that reuses properties and methods of another class (parent class), the child class extends the parent class.


However, for interfaces, we say that a class implements an interface. A class can inherit from one class only. However, it can implement multiple interfaces. To define a class that implements an interface, you use the implements keyword as follows:



interface MyInterface


                                   const CONSTANT_NAME = 1;


                                   public function methodName();



class MyClass implements MyInterface


                                   public function methodName()


                                    // ...




When a class implements an interface, it’s called a concrete class. The concrete class needs to implement all the methods of the interface.


Why should you use PHP interfaces?

1.      By implementing an interface, the object’s caller needs to care only about the object’s interface, not implementations of the object’s methods. Therefore you can change the implementations without affecting the caller of the interface.

2.      An interface allows unrelated classes to implement the same set of methods, regardless of their positions in the class inheritance hierarchy.

3.      An interface enables you to model multiple inheritances because a class can implement more than one interface.


Constructors and Destructors

An object ’ s constructor method is called just after the object is created, and its destructor method is called just before the object is freed from memory.

Setting Up New Objects with Constructors

To create a constructor, simply add a method with the special name _construct() to your class.


class Person


private $_firstName;

private $_lastName;

private $_age;

public function __construct($firstName, $lastName, $age )


$this-> firstName = $firstName;

$this-> lastName = $lastName;

$this-> age = $age;


public function showDetails()


echo “$this-> firstName $this-> lastName, age $this-> age <br  > ”;



$p = new Person( “Harry”, “Walters”, 28 );

$p- > showDetails();                        // Displays “Harry Walters, age 28”


Cleaning Up Objects with Destructors

For example, if an object has a few files open, or contains data that should be written to a database, it ’ s a good idea to close the files or write the data before the object disappears.

You create destructor methods in the same way as constructors, except that you use _destruct() rather than _construct() :


function __destruct()


// (Clean up here)



A destructor can ’ t accept arguments


class Person


public function save()


echo “Saving this object to the database... <br /> ”;


public function __destruct()


$this-> save();



$p = new Person;    // A new Person object is created and stored in the variable $p

unset( $p );               

$p2 = new Person;

die( “Something’s gone horribly wrong! <br /> ”);



Saving this object to the database...

Something ’ s gone horribly wrong!

Saving this object to the database...


//$p is removed from memory using the built - in unset() function .Doing this removes the only reference to the Person object, so it ’ s deleted. But just before it ’ s removed, its _destruct() method is called, displaying the message “Saving this object to the database...”

Next the code creates another Person object, storing it in the variable $p2 . Finally, the code raises an error using the built - in die() function, which causes the script to end with a “Something ’ s gone horribly wrong!” message. Just before the script finally terminates, however, the object ’ s destructor is called, displaying the “Saving this object to the database...” message.


Automatically Loading Class Files

With autoloading, you create an _autoload() function somewhere in your script. This function should accept a class name as an argument. Then, whenever another part of your script attempts to create a new object from a nonexistent class, _autoload() is automatically called, passing in the class name. This gives your _autoload() function a chance to find and include the class file, thereby allowing the PHP engine to carry on and create the object.


Here ’ s an example _autoload() function:


function __autoload( $className )


$className = str_replace ( “..”, “”, $className );

require_once( “classes/$className.php” );



For example, imagine the same script contained the following code:

$p = new Person;

When the PHP engine encounters the new Person construct, it looks to see if the Person class has been defined. If not, it calls the previously defined _autoload() function. This in turn includes and runs the file Person.php inside the classes folder, which creates the class and allows the new Person object to be created.


If the PHP engine can ’ t find an _autoload() function, or if your _autoload() function fails to load the Person class, the script exits with a “Class ‘ Person ’ not found” error.


Storing Objects as Strings

Objects that you create in PHP are stored as binary data in memory.


PHP provides two functions to help you with this:

Method                    Description

serialize()                 converts an object - properties, methods, and all - into a string of text

unserialize()             takes a string created by serialize() and turns it back into a usable object


 The following example shows these two functions in action:


class Person


public $age;


$harry = new Person();

$harry- > age = 28;

$harryString = serialize( $harry );

echo “Harry is now serialized in the following string: ‘$harryString’ < br / > ”;

echo “Converting ‘$harryString’ back to an object... < br / > ”;

$obj = unserialize( $harryString );

echo “Harry’s age is: $obj-> age < br / > ”;




Harry is now serialized in the following string: ‘O:6:”Person”:1:{s:3:”age”;i:28;}’

Converting ‘O:6:”Person”:1:{s:3:”age”;i:28;}’ back to an object...

Harry’s age is: 28

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