Fundamentals of Information Technology Important Questions


1.   Write about generations of  computer?

2.   Write a detailed note on input devices , output Devices  in a computer?

3.   Explain various characteristics of computer?

4.   Explain classification of computers  and Explain applications of computer?

5.   Explain Block diagram of computer with neat sketch?


  1. Explain different types of computer memory and differences between primary and secondary storage?
  2. Write about secondary storage devices of computer? or Data storage types?
  3. Explain different types of  Primary memory/storage in computer?
  4. Explain in detail Binary arithmetic System?
  5. Explain about  conversion of one  number system to another system with example?
  6. What is Number System? Explain its types?


  1. What is software? Explain types of software? Explain Application Software and types?
  2. Explain various steps involved in creation of spreadsheet and inserting table ,Inserting  graphs? Explain features of spread sheets?
  3. What is operating system? Explain its functions?
  4. Explain word processing(MS Word) and presentation(MS Power point) in detail?
  5. Explain types of  Programming(Computer) languages?(Machine ,Assembly , High level)


  1. Explain Unix/Linux operating system and DOS , Windows detail?
  2. What is operating system and types , Functions?
  3. Explain language translation(Complier, Assembler, Interpreter) in detail?


  1. Explain about various networking devices?
  2. What is Data Transmission media ?
  3. Explain modem and its working in detail?
  4. What are the different types of Networks ?
  5. Explain Topology  types  in detail?


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