
B.SC(Data Science)

Fundamentals of Information Technology Important Questions


1.   Explain Simple model of computer with functions of each unit?*

2.   Explain EDCDIC in brief?

3.   Explain Desktop Computer?

4.   Explain about different input devices(units)

5.   What are the steps followed in processing data using a computer ?Explain?

6.   Explain algorithm and flowchart with any example?

7.   Explain various error detecting codes?*

8.   Explain different types of data? Give example of each of these data types.***

9. How to represent Numeric and Character Data in Computer?

10. Explain why Binary digits are used to represent numbers and characters in Computers.


1.What is Storage cell? Explain  Physical Devices Used as Storage Cells?
2.What are secondary storage devices of computer? Explain about Magnetic disk drive with neat diagram? 
3.Explain the following  (a) RAM (b) ROM  (C) CDROM  (d) Blu-ray Disc  (e)Archival Store (f)DVDROM
4.Explain in detail Embedded Processors?
5.Draw and Explain Structure and Specification of CPU?
6.What are the three broad categories of CPU Architecture?
7.Explain Inter connection of CPU with I/O and Memory?
8.What is Data Storage? Explain Primary and Secondary Storage Devices.
 9.How establish Interconnection of CPU with Memory and I/O Units.


1.Explain different types of Computer networks? or Describe about LAN and WAN?**
2.Explain different types of Input and output devices?**
3.What is Computer Software? Explain Classification of programming languages?*
4.Define Ethernet Draw Ethernet message format and also explain the functions? 
5.Define operating system ?Explain the functions of operating system?
6.What is test to speech system? How does it works? What are it applications?
7.Explain features and applications of Internet Technologies
8.Write about i) Touch Screen ii) E – Ink display iii) audio Output.


1.Explain  Software Development process models?
2.Describe software process and its characteristics?
3.Explain Information Hiding ?Explain how it improved?
4.Explain Coding Standards?
5.Explain components of software process?
6.Write in detail about (a)Scale and Change of software problem (b)Structured programming
7.What are methods to evaluate Software Cost, Schedule, and Quality?
8.How to detect Software Problem in Computer System.

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