
 Java Important Question                   For Answers Clikhere


1.Explain Various  Features in java?

2.Explain steps to create and execute java program with an example?


a. Data types

b. Control statements

4.Explain method overlaoding with an example program?

5.What is constructor ? Explain Constructor types and constructor overloading?

6.Explain Class,Objects,Methods with example program?


1.What is an array? Explain types of arrays with example program?

2.Explain the concept of command line arguments?

3.What is inheritance ? Explain types of inheritance with example?

4.Explain method overriding with example program?

5.Explain the concepts of Abstract class, Interfaces?

6.What is package? How to create a user defined package with example?

7.What is exception ? Explain exception handling with an example program?


1.What is thread? Explain various ways to create threads?

2.Explain Thread lifecycle with example program and diagram?

3.Explain Fileinput stream and Fileoutput stream with example?

4.Explain Buffered input stream and Buffered output stream with example program?

5.Explain Random Accessing of a file with example program?

6.Explain File Class and its methods with example program?

1.What is an applet? Explain it's life cycle?
2.What is AWT? Explain AWT Components , Containers in java?

3.What is layout manager? Explain types of layout managers in java?
4.What is Swing ? Explain JFrame, JApplet, JPannel by giving an example?
5.What is Dialog box in swings? Explain types of dialog boxes?
6. Explain Different types of Data base drivers?
7. Explain steps involved in developing a program to access database in java?(JDBC Connectivity)

8.Explain Event Handling Mechanism in Java?

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