

Working with Files and Directories

Understanding Files and Directories

A file is nothing more than an ordered sequence of bytes stored on a hard disk or other storage media.

A directory is a special type of file that holds the names of the files and directories inside the folder(sometimes denoted as subdirectories or subfolders ) and pointers to their storage areas on the media.

UNIX - based systems such as Linux use slashes :


Windows uses backslashes:


In PHP you need to use two backslashes in a row, because PHP interprets a backslash as escaping the following character:



Getting Information on Files : 

PHP provides some functions

file_exists() to discover whether a file exists before attempting to open it:

file_exists( “/home/chris/myfile.txt” )

file_exists() returns true if the file at the specified path exists, or false otherwise.

filesize() function to determine the size of a file on the hard disk.

filesize( “/home/chris/myfile.txt” ) //

This returns the size of the specified file in bytes, or false upon error.


Time - Related Properties

PHP provides three time - related file functions:

fileatime() — Returns the time at which the file was last accessed as a UNIX timestamp.A file is considered accessed if its contents are read

filectime() — Returns the time at which the file was last changed as a UNIX timestamp.A file is considered changed if it is created or written, or when its permissions have been changed

filemtime() — Returns the time at which the file was last modified as a UNIX timestamp.The file is considered modified if it is created or has its contents changed


Retrieving a Filename from a Path

basename() function taking a complete file path and returning just the filename. Basically, basename() retrieves the last whole string after the rightmost slash. For example, the following code assigns index.html to $filename :

$filename = basename( “/home/james/docs/index.html” );


Opening and Closing Files

·         Usually, to work with a file from within your PHP script, you first need to open the file.

·         When you open a file, you create a file handle.

·         A file handle is a pointer associated with the open file that you can then use  to access the file ’ s contents.

·         When you ’ ve finished with the file, you close it, which removes the file handle from memory.

·         File handles are resource data types.


Opening a File with fopen()

The fopen() function opens a file and returns a file handle associated with the file. For example

$handle = fopen( “./data.txt”, “r” );

$handle = fopen( “”, “r” );

(PHP will look for the file in the current directory, or it can be a relative ( ” ./data.txt “ ) or absolute ( “ /myfiles/data.txt “ ) path to a file.)

The first argument can be just a filename

The second argument specifies the mode  as below


Closing a File with fclose()

Once you ’ ve finished working with a file, it needs to be closed. You can do this using fclose() 

fclose( $handle );


<!DOCTYPE html>




$myfile = fopen("webdictionary.txt", "r") or die("Unable to open file!");

echo fread($myfile,filesize("webdictionary.txt"));






Reading and Writing to Files

Reading and Writing Strings of Characters

fread() — Reads a string of characters from a file

It takes two arguments: a file handle and the number of characters to read.

$handle = fopen( “data.txt”, “r” );

$data = fread( $handle, 10 );

This code reads the first ten characters from data.txt and assigns them to $data as a string.

fwrite() — Writes a string of characters to a file

It requires two arguments: a file handle and a string to write to the file

$handle = fopen( “data.txt”, “w” );

fwrite( $handle, “ABCxyz” );

The first line opens the file data.txt for writing, which erases any existing data in the file. (If the file doesn ’ t exist, PHP attempts to create it.) The second line writes the character string “ ABCxyz ” to the beginning of the file.

fgetc() — Reads a single character at a time


Testing for the End of a File

feof() — Checks to see if the end of the file has been reached

It takes just one argument — the file handle to test. Notice that feof() only returns true once the script has tried to read one or more characters past the last character in the file:


// hello_world.txt contains the characters “Hello, world!”

$handle = fopen( “hello_world.txt”, “r” );

$text = “ ”;

while ( !feof( $handle ) )


$text .= fread( $handle, 3 );                         // Read 3 chars at a time


echo $text . “ < br / > ”;                  // Displays “Hello, world!”

fclose( $handle );


Reading One Line at a Time

fgets() — Reads a single line at a time

The following example uses fgets() to read and display a three - line text file, one line at a time. The while loop exits when fgets() returns false (which means it ’ s reached the end of the file):


milton.txt contains:

The mind is its own place, and in it self

Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.

What matter where, if I be still the same,*/

$handle = fopen( “milton.txt”, “r” );

$lineNumber = 1;

while ( $line = fgets( $handle ) )


echo $lineNumber++ . “: $line < br/> ”;


fclose( $handle );


1.The mind is its own place, and in it self

2.Can make a Heav’n of Hell, a Hell of Heav’n.

3.What matter where, if I be still the same

Reading CSV Files

fgetcsv() — Reads a line of comma - separated values

To call the fgetcsv() function, pass it the file handle of an open file. You can also optionally specify:

·         The maximum number of characters to read. You can leave this value out, or use 0, in which case PHP reads as many characters as necessary to read the whole line. However, specifying a value makes the function slightly quicker

·         The delimiter that is used to separate each data value. The default is the comma ( , ). If you ’ re reading a tab - separated - value (TSV) file, specify “ \t ” (the tab character) for this argument instead

·         The character that is used to enclose string values. The default is the double quote ( “ )

·         The character used to escape special characters. The default is the backslash ( \ )


people.csv contains:





$handle = fopen( “people.csv”, “r” );

while ( $record = fgetcsv( $handle, 1000 ) )


echo “Name: {$record[0]} {$record[1]}, Age: {$record[2]} <br/> ”;


fclose( $handle );


This code displays:

Name: John Smith, Age: 45

Name: Anna Clark, Age: 37

Name: Bill Murphy, Age: 32


Reading and Writing Entire Files

file() — Reads an entire file into an array without needing to open it. The function automatically opens, reads, and, once it ’ s done, closes the file.

It takes just one argument — a string containing the name of the file to read — and returns the array containing the lines of the file:

$lines = file( “/home/chris/myfile.txt” );


file_get_contents() — Reads an entire file into a string without needing to open it .The end - of - line characters are included in the string:

$fileContents = file_get_contents( “myfile.txt” );


file_put_contents() — Writes a whole string to a file without needing to open it

it takes a string and writes it to a file:

$numChars = file_put_contents( “myfile.txt”, $myString );

fpassthru() — Displays the contents of an open file.

$numChars = fpassthru( $handle );


readfile() — Displays the contents of a file without needing to open it.

 $numChars = readfile( “myfile.txt” );

 fpassthru() and readfile() both take a file and output its unmodified contents straight to the Web browser.


Random Access to File Data

fseek() — Moves the file pointer to a specific location within an open file


// hello_world.txt contains the characters “Hello, world!”

$handle = fopen( “hello_world.txt”, “r” );

fseek( $handle, 7 );

echo fread( $handle, 5 );                              // Displays “world”

fclose( $handle );


rewind() --If you want to move the pointer back to the start of the file (a common occurrence), a handy shortcut is the rewind() function. The following two lines of code both do the same thing:


fseek( $handle, 0 );

rewind( $handle );


ftell() —The ftell() function takes a file handle and returns the current offset (in characters) of the corresponding file pointer from the start of the file. For example:

$offset = ftell( $handle );

Copying, Renaming, and Deleting Files

The copy() function takes two string arguments: the first argument is the path to the file to copy, and the second argument is the path to copy it to. It returns true if the file was successfully copied, or false if there was a problem copying the file.

copy( “./copyme.txt”, “./copied.txt” );


The rename() function is used to rename (or move) a file. It works in much the same way as copy() .

For example, to rename a file within a folder you could use:

rename( “./address.dat”, “./address.backup” );


To move a file to a different folder, you might use:

rename( “/home/joe/myfile.txt”, “/home/joe/archives/myfile.txt” );


The unlink() function lets you delete files from the server. To use it, pass the filename of the file you want to delete.


unlink( “./trash.txt” );


Working with Directories

A directory handle is similar to a file handle; it ’ s a special variable pointing to a directory, which you can obtain via the opendir() function:


$handle = opendir( “/home/james” );


If there ’ s a problem opening the directory (for example, if the directory doesn ’ t exist), opendir() returns false instead of the directory handle.

you can close a directory by passing the directory handle to the function closedir() :

closedir( $handle );

The readdir() function expects a directory handle for an opened directory, and returns the filename of the next entry in the directory:

$filename = readdir( $handle );

Each directory contains a list of entries for each of the files and subdirectories inside it, as well as entries for . (representing the directory) and .. (the parent of the directory). PHP maintains an internal pointer referring to the next entry in the list, just as a file pointer points to the position in a file where the next file operation should occur.


$dirPath = “/home/matt/images”;

if (!( $handle = opendir( $dirPath))) die(“Cannot open the directory.”);


<p><?php echo $dirPath ?> contains the following files and folders:</p>



while ($file = readdir($handle)) {

if ( $file != “.” && $file != “..” )

echo “<li>$file</li>”;


closedir( $handle );



Other Directory Functions

Resetting the Directory Pointer

The rewinddir() function resets PHP ’ s internal pointer back to the first entry in a given directory. To use rewinddir() , pass an open directory handle to it, as follows:

rewinddir( $handle );


Changing the Current Directory

The chdir() function call changes the current directory to a new directory:

chdir( “/home/matt/myfolder” );


Creating Directories

To create a new directory, call the mkdir() function, passing in the path of the directory you want to create:

mkdir( “/home/matt/newfolder” );

You can also set permissions for the directory at the time you create it by passing the mode as the second argument. For example, the following code creates a directory with read, write, and execute permissions granted to all users:

mkdir( “/home/matt/newfolder”, 0777 );


Deleting Directories

The rmdir() function removes a given directory. The directory must be empty, and you need appropriate permissions to remove it. For example:

rmdir( “/home/matt/myfolder” );


Getting the Directory Path

The dirname() function returns the directory part of a given path.

For example:

$path = “/home/james/docs/index.html”;

$directoryPath = dirname( $path );

$filename = basename( $path );

After running this code., $directoryPath contains “ /home/james/docs ” , and $filename holds “ index.html ”.


Working with Directory Objects

PHP offers an alternative object - oriented mechanism for working with directories: the Directory class.

To use it, first create a Directory object by calling the dir() function with the name of the directory you want to work with, as follows:

$dir = dir( “/home/james/docs” );

The Directory object provides two properties: handle and path . These refer to the directory handle and the path to the directory, respectively:

echo $dir- > handle . “ < br / > ”; // Displays the directory handle

echo $dir- > path . “ < br / > ”; // Displays “/home/james/docs”


Telling a File from a Directory

PHP has two functions to help you test for a file or a directory:

is_dir() — Returns true if the given filename refers to a directory

is_file() — Returns true if the given filename refers to a regular file

Here ’ s a simple example that determines if a file called myfile is a file or a directory:

$filename = “myfile”;

if ( is_dir( $filename ) ) {

echo “$filename is a directory.”;

} elseif ( is_file( $filename ) ) {

echo “$filename is a file.”;

} else {

echo “$filename is neither a directory nor a file.”;


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