

Introducing Databases and SQL

Deciding How to Store Data

Whenever you start work on a data - driven application, one of your first design decisions should be:  how will the application store and access its data?

 Database Management System (DBMS) — to store, retrieve, and modify the data for you. A good database engine serves as a smart go - between for you and your data, organizing and cataloging the data for quick and easy retrieval.

Database Architectures Broadly speaking, you have two main options: embedded and client - server.

Embedded Databases

An embedded database engine, as its name implies, sits inside the application that uses it (PHP in this case). Therefore it always runs — and stores its data — on the same machine as the host application.

The database is not networked, and only one program can connect to it at any given time. Moreover, the database can ’ t be shared between different machines because each one would simply end up storing and manipulating its own separate version of the data.

On the plus side, embedded databases tend to be faster, easier to configure, and easier to work with.

 Client - Server Databases

Client - server databases are, generally speaking, more powerful and flexible than embedded databases. They are usually designed for use over networks, enabling many applications in a network to work simultaneously with the same data. The database engine itself acts as a server, serving up data to its clients (much like Web servers serve pages to Web browsers).

This is the kind of database you ’ re more likely to find in a large company, where large quantities of data need to be shared among many people, where access may be needed from all sorts of different locations.

 Database Models  The model dictates how the data is stored and accessed. Database Models are two types they are

Simple Databases

Simple database engines are, as the name implies, just about the simplest type of database to work with. Essentially, the simple model is similar to an associative array of data. Each item of data is referenced by a single key. It ’ s not possible to define any relationships between the data in the database.

 Relational Databases

Relational databases offer more power and flexibility than simple databases, and for this reason they tend to be a more popular choice. They are also known as RDBMSs (Relational Database Management Systems).

RDBMSs are often expensive and complex to set up and administer. The widely acknowledged big three in this field are Oracle, DB2 (from IBM), and SQL Server (from Microsoft).

Understanding Relational Databases

In simple terms, a relational database is any database system that allows data to be associated and grouped by common attributes.

Typically, a relational database arranges data into tables, where each table is divided into rows and columns of data.


Redundancy is undesirable in a database. In 1970s, Dr. E. F. Codd created a set of rules that, when applied to data, ensure that your database is well designed. These are known as normal forms , and normalizing your data — that is, making sure it complies with these normal forms — goes a long way to ensuring good relational database design. Normalization is a basic idea is to break up your data into several related tables, so as to minimize the number of times you have to repeat the same data.

Talking to Databases with SQL  SQL, the Structured Query Language, is a simple, standardized language for communicating with relational databases. SQL lets you do practically any database - related task, including creating databases and tables, as well as saving, retrieving, deleting, and updating data in databases.


MySQL Data Types MySQL supports three main groups of data types — numeric, date/time, and string


Numeric Data Types

Date and Time Data Types

When you need to specify a literal DATE , DATETIME , or TIMESTAMP value in MySQL, you can use any of the following formats:

YYYY - MM - DD / YY - MM - DD




String Data Types MySQL lets you store text or binary strings of data in many different ways, as shown in the following table:

The difference between a CHAR and a VARCHAR field is that CHAR stores data as a fixed - length string no matter how short the actual data may be, whereas VARCHAR uses exactly as many characters as necessary to store a given value

Using Indexes and Keys

An index is a separate sorted list of the values in a particular column (or columns) in a table. Indexes are also often called keys ; the two words are largely interchangeable. You can optionally add indexes for one or more columns at the time you create the table, or at any time after the table is created.

Introducing SQL Statements

To actually work with databases and tables, you use SQL statements. Common statements include:

SELECT — Retrieves data from one or more tables

INSERT — Inserts data into a table

REPLACE — Replaces data in a table. If the same record exists in the table, the statement

overwrites the record with the new data

UPDATE — Updates data in a table

DELETE — Deletes data from a table


Other often - used statements create or modify tables and databases themselves, rather than manipulating the data stored in a table:

CREATE — Creates a database, table or index

ALTER — Modifies the structure of a table

DROP — Wipes out a database or table.

 Understanding the NULL Value

MySQL can deal with another special value known as NULL . In a MySQL table, a NULL value for a field represents missing data in that field. NULL doesn ’ t belong to any particular data type, but it can replace any value.

 Setting Up MySQL

The MySQL database system comes with a number of different programs. The two important ones are:

The MySQL server — This is the database engine itself. The program is usually called mysqld or similar

The MySQL command - line tool — You can use this tool to talk directly to the MySQL server so that you can create databases and tables, and add, view, and delete data. The program name is simply mysql

 Starting the MySQL Server

Ubuntu Choose System Administration Services. In the dialog that appears, look for the

“ Database server (mysql) ” item in the list. If there ’ s a check mark to the left of the item, it should already be running. If not, click Unlock, type your password, and click Authenticate. Now click the checkbox to the left of the “ Database server (mysql) ” item. The MySQL database server ( mysqld ) should now be running

 WampServer on Windows — Examine the WampServer icon in your taskbar. If the icon is black and white, your Apache and MySQL servers should be running correctly. If the icon is part yellow or part red, then one or both of the servers aren ’ t running. Click the icon to display the WampServer menu, then choose the Start All Services or Restart All Services option to start both the Apache and MySQL servers

 MAMP on Mac OS X — Open the MAMP folder inside your Applications folder in Finder, then double - click the MAMP icon to launch the application. If the MySQL server has a red light to the left of it, click the Start Servers button to start up both the Apache and MySQL servers. Both lights should now be green

 Setting Up the MySQL root Password

Now that the MySQL database engine is running on your computer, it ’ s time to configure the MySQL root user.

When MySQL installs, it creates the root account automatically, but doesn ’ t set a password for it.


To set up a root password, follow these steps:

1. Bring up a shell prompt —

2. Change to the correct folder —


cd C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.0.51b\bin

and press Enter.


3. Start the MySQL command - line tool — On Ubuntu and Windows, type

mysql -u root

4. Inspect the current privileges — Enter the following at the mysql > prompt and press Enter:

SELECT Host, User, Password FROM mysql.user;

5. Add passwords for the root users — Type the following lines, replacing mypass with the password you want to use and mattscomputer with the host name of your computer (shown in the Host column in the table), and pressing Enter after each line:


SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@’localhost’ = PASSWORD(‘mypass’);

SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@’mattscomputer’ = PASSWORD(‘mypass’);

SET PASSWORD FOR ‘root’@’’ = PASSWORD(‘mypass’);


6.Check that the passwords have been set — Retype the SELECT line from Step 4 and press Enter.

7. Exit the MySQL command - line tool — Type exit and then press Enter to return to the shell prompt.

To test the new password, run the mysql command again, but this time, add a - p (hyphen followed by “ p ” ) to the end of the command line, as follows:


mysql -u root -p # Ubuntu, Windows

./mysql -u root -p # Mac OS X

 A Quick Play with MySQL

 Creating a New Database

It ’ s easy to create a new MySQL database. First, fire up the MySQL command - line tool using the same method that you used when changing the root password. Open a shell prompt, change to the correct folder (if using Windows or Mac OS X), and then on Ubuntu or Windows type:


mysql -u root –p


Press Enter. Now enter the root password you specified earlier, and press Enter again. You should see the prompt appear:

mysql >


To create a new database:


 Press Enter, and MySQL creates your new database.


To list of all the databases in the system



Creating a Table

The first thing to do is select the database you just created.

 USE mydatabase;                 Press Enter, and you should see

Database changed

Now create your table.

mysql > CREATE TABLE fruit (


- > name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,

- > color VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,

- > PRIMARY KEY (id)

- > );

Press Enter at the end of each line. Don ’ t enter the “ -> “ arrows; MySQL displays these automatically each time you press Enter.

To see a list of tables in your database

 mysql > SHOW TABLES;

To see the structure of your newly created table

mysql > EXPLAIN fruit;


| Field      | Type                          | Null  | Key |      Default    | Extra |


| id        | smallint(5) unsigned | NO |    PRI      |    NULL   | auto_increment |

| name | varchar(30)                  | NO |  | NULL | |

| color | varchar(30)                   | NO |  | NULL | |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

id is the primary key. It uniquely identifies each row of the table. You created the id field as

SMALLINT UNSIGNED , which means it can hold integer values up to 65,535.


name will store the name of each fruit.

color was created in the same way as name


if you wanted to add an index for the name

if you ever want to create a regular key (as opposed to a primary key) for a field in a table, use the keyword KEY or INDEX instead of PRIMARY KEY.

mysql > CREATE TABLE fruit (


- > name VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,

- > color VARCHAR(30) NOT NULL,

- > PRIMARY KEY (id),

- > KEY (name)

- > );

Adding Data to a Table

To add a new row to a table, you use the SQL INSERT statement. In its basic form, an INSERT statement looks like this:


INSERT INTO table VALUES ( value1 , value2 , ... );


Alternatively, you can create a row with only some fields .The remaining fields will contain NULL (if allowed), or in the case of special fields such as an AUTO_INCREMENT field, the field value will be calculated automatically.

To insert a row of partial data, use:


INSERT INTO table ( field1 , field2 , ... ) VALUES ( value1 , value2 , ... );


So you can add three rows to the fruit table by inserting data into just the name and color fields (the id field will be filled automatically):


mysql > INSERT INTO fruit ( name, color ) VALUES ( ‘banana’, ‘yellow’ );

mysql > INSERT INTO fruit ( name, color ) VALUES ( ‘tangerine’, ‘orange’ );


mysql > INSERT INTO fruit ( name, color ) VALUES ( ‘plum’, ‘purple’ );


Reading Data from a Table

To read data in SQL, you create a query using the SELECT statement. To retrieve a list of all the data in your fruit table, you can use:


mysql > SELECT * from fruit;

mysql > SELECT * from fruit;


| id  | name     | color |


| 1 | banana     | yellow |

| 2 | tangerine | orange |

| 3 | plum        | purple |


3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You can also specify just the field or fields you want to retrieve:

 mysql > SELECT name, color from fruit;

 To retrieve a selected row or rows, you need to introduce a WHERE clause at the end of the SELECT statement.

 mysql > SELECT * from fruit WHERE name = ‘banana’;

Updating Data in a Table

You change existing data in a table with the UPDATE statement.

 mysql > UPDATE fruit SET name = ‘grapefruit’, color = ‘yellow’ WHERE id = 2;


mysql > SELECT * from fruit;

Deleting Data from a Table

To delete rows, you use the DELETE statement. If you add a WHERE clause, you can choose which row or rows to delete; otherwise all the data in the table are deleted (though the table itself remains).

Here ’ s an example:

 mysql > DELETE FROM fruit WHERE id = 2;

mysql > SELECT * from fruit;

Deleting Tables and Databases

To delete a table entirely, use the DROP TABLE statement. Similarly, you can delete an entire database with DROP DATABASE .

 mysql > DROP TABLE fruit;

 DROP DATABASE works in a similar fashion:

mysql > DROP DATABASE mydatabase;

Connecting to MySQL from PHP

PHP provides you with two main ways to connect to MySQL databases:

 mysqli (MySQL improved) — This extension is specifically tied to MySQL, and provides the

most complete access to MySQL from PHP. It features both procedural (function - oriented) and object - oriented interfaces.

PDO (PHP Data Objects) — This is an object - oriented extension that sits between the MySQL server and the PHP engine. It gives you a nice, simple, clean set of classes and methods that you can use to work with MySQL databases.

 Making a Connection

To make a connection to a MySQL database in your PHP script, all you need to do is create a new PDO object.

 $conn = new PDO( $dsn, $username, $password );

 DSN, which describes the database to connect to;

username is the user you want to connect as;

user ’ s password.

 A DSN , or Database Source Name, is simply a string that describes attributes of the connection such as the type of database system, the location of the database, and the database name .

 For example, the following DSN can be used to connect to a MySQL database called mydatabase running on the same machine as the PHP engine:

$dsn = “mysql:host=localhost;dbname=mydatabase”;

 If host isn ’ t specified, localhost is assumed

 So, putting it all together, you could connect to mydatabase database as follows (replacing mypass with your real root password of course):


$dsn = “mysql:dbname=mydatabase”;

$username = “root”;

$password = “mypass”;

$conn = new PDO( $dsn, $username, $password );

 To close the connection, just assign null to your connection variable. This effectively destroys the PDO object, and therefore the connection:

 $conn = null;

 Handling Errors

Database errors can be notoriously difficult to track down and deal with. One of the nice things about PDO is that you can get it to return MySQL errors in the form of highly descriptive PDOException objects. You can then use the PHP keywords try and catch to handle these exceptions easily and deal with them appropriately.

 To set PDO to raise exceptions whenever database errors occur, you use the PDO::SetAttribute method to set your PDO object ’ s error mode, as follows

 Now you can capture any error that might occur when connecting to the database by using a try ... catch code block.

try {

$conn = new PDO( $dsn, $username, $password );



catch ( PDOException $e )


echo “Connection failed: “ . $e-> getMessage();



PHP runs the code within the try block. If an exception is raised by PDO, the catch block stores the PDOException object in $e , then displays the error message with

$e->getMessage() .

For example, if the $password variable in the script contained an incorrect password, you ’ d see a message like this appear when you ran the script:

 Connection failed: SQLSTATE[28000] [1045] Access denied for user ‘root’@’localhost’ (using password: YES)

Reading Data

To send SQL statements to the MySQL server, you use the query method of the PDO object:

$conn-> query ( $sql );

 The result returned by $conn -> query is actually another type of object, called a PDOStatement object. You can use this object along with a foreach loop to move through all the rows in the result set. Each row is an associative array containing all the field names and values for that row in the table.

For example:

$sql = “SELECT * FROM fruit”;

$rows = $conn-> query( $sql );

foreach ( $rows as $row ) {

echo “name = “ . $row[“name”] . “ < br / > ”;

echo “color = “ . $row[“color”] . “ < br / > ”;



Read a Database Table with PHP


$dsn = “mysql:dbname=mydatabase”;

$username = “root”;

$password = “mypass”;

try {

$conn = new PDO( $dsn, $username, $password );


} catch ( PDOException $e ) {

echo “Connection failed: “ . $e->getMessage();


$sql = “SELECT * FROM fruit”;

echo “<ul>”;

try {

$rows = $conn->query( $sql );

foreach ( $rows as $row ) {

echo “<li>A “ . $row[“name”] . “ is “ . $row[“color”] . “</li>”;


} catch ( PDOException $e ) {

echo “Query failed: “ . $e->getMessage();


echo “</ul>”;

$conn = null;



A  banana is yellow

A tangerine is orange

A plum is purple

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