
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions



Needs of software

A software is considered as an essential component that performs various tasks based upon its type.

However, certain types of softwares implement operations others are used for running the system.

Moreover, a software is a set of instructions which helps the system to process the information.

It allows a system user to also interact with underlying hardware and enables the users to perform task.

Basically, software implements all the necessary functions of a computer. So, due to this a computer without a software is considered to be a useless material that is made up of metals and plastic.

Types of Software

Q1) What is software?Explain types of software?(VIMP)

Ans:  Software: Software provides the instructions that tell the hardware what to do. Software means a set of programs, procedures and other associated documentation which describes what the program does and how it is to be used. A number of software’s can be run on the same hardware to perform different types of jobs. The software acts as an interface between the user and the computer.

Software is mainly classified into:

 System Software

 Application Software

System Software System software is designed to run the computer .The systems software helps the user to use the computer by allowing him to communicate with the system. System software controls the working of other software’s, hardware devices like printers, memory, CPU etc. Thus, they make the operation of the computer more efficient. The systems software is generally provided by the manufacturer of the computer hardware. Without the systems software the hardware would not work.

System software is designed to run the computer.

Some System Software  are

  1. Operating System
  2. Programming Language Translators
  3. Device Drivers
  4. Firmware Software
  5. Utility Software

Application software Application software is designed to perform specific tasks of the users. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Access, etc. are some of the examples of application software.

Application software is of 2 types: custom software and pre-written software packages.

Custom Software: Software that is developed for a specific user is known as custom software.

A pre-written software package is a software that is developed for general needs of all the users.

The most important software are :

Database management software, e.g.

Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL server, etc.

Spreadsheet software, e.g. Microsoft Excel


Some System Software  are Operating System

Q2)What is Operating System ?Explain its functions?

Ans: An operating system is a system software that acts as an intermediary between the user and the Hardware. It is a collection of software that handles resources and provides general services for the other applications that run over them.

Mac, MS Windows, Linux, Solaris, Android etc are some of the operating systems.

The common functions of an operating system:

Process(or) management A process is a program in execution. The operating system decides which process to run. It also assigns priority to the processes.

Memory management Operating system is responsible to allocate and de-allocate memory.

Device management The operating system controls accesses to the I/O devices among the processes.

File management: The file system in an operating system allows users to create, delete, modify, open, close, and apply other operations to various types of files.


Utility Programs:

Q3)Explain utility programs? Explain with fine example?

Ans: Utility program is required for the maintenance of computer. Utility programs are used for supporting and enhancing the programs and the data in computer. Some system utilities may come embedded with OS and others may be added later on. Some examples of system utilities are:

Anti-virus utility to scan computer for viruses

Data Compression utility to compress the files

Cryptographic utility to encrypt and decrypt files.

Disk Compression utility to compress contents of a disk for increasing the capacity of a disk.

Disk Partitioning to divide a single drive into multiple logical drives. Each drive is then treated as an individual drive and has its own file system. Figure 6.6 shows a hard disk with three partitions.

Disk Cleaners to find files that have not been used for a long time. It helps the user to decide what to delete when the hard disk is full.

Backup Utility to make a copy of all information stored on the disk. It also restores the backed up contents in case of disk failure.

System Profiling Utility provides detailed information about the software installed on the computer and the hardware attached to it.

Network Managers to check the computer network and to log events


Programming Language

Q4)What is Programming Language ?Explain it’s types?(VIMP)

Ans: A Programming Language consists of a set of vocabulary and grammatical rules, to express the computations and tasks that the computer has to perform. Programming languages are used to write a program, which controls the behavior of computer.

Each language has a unique set of keywords (words that it understands) and a special syntax for organizing program instructions. The programming language should be understood, both by the programmer  and the computer.

A computer understands the language of 0’s and 1’s, while the programmer is more comfortable with English-like language. Programming Language usually refers to high-level languages like COBOL, BASIC, FORTRAN, C, C++, Java etc.

Programming languages fall into three categories

a) Machine Language

b) Assembly Language

c) High Level Language

Machine Language

This is the only language which is understood by the computer.

In this language the programs are written in binary code i.e. the instructions are made only by a combination of binary digits 0 and 1.

The computer can understand the programs written in machine language directly. No translation of the program is needed.

Program written in machine language can be executed very fast .

Machine language is defined by the hardware of a computer. It depends on the type of the processor that the computer uses, and is thus machine-dependent.

A machine- level program written on one computer may not work on another computer with a different processor.

Computers may also differ in other details, such as memory arrangement, operating systems, and peripheral devices; because a program normally relies on such factors, different computer may not run the same machine language program, even when the same type of processor is used.

It is difficult to write a program in machine language as it has to be written in binary code. For e.g., 00010001 11001001. Such programs are also difficult to modify.


1. It is easily understood by the CPU.

2. The time taken for executing the program is very less.

3. The computational speed is very high.


1.It is very difficult for a human to understand.

2.The length of programs written in machine language is very large.

3.It is difficult to correct or modify the programs.

4.It is a machine dependent language.

Assembly Language:

The O s and 1 s of the machine language were substituted by letters and symbols in assembly languages. The assembly languages use mnemonics in place of operation codes.

Assembly language programs are easier to write than the machine language programs, since assembly language programs use short, English-like representation of machine code.

For e.g.:

ADD 2, 3



A program written using such symbols in the assembly language is called the source program. The program written in assembly language has to be converted into machine language for use by the computer. This is achieved with the help of the assembler .

The assembler is a system program which is supplied by the manufacturer. It converts the  assembly program into a machine readable program and the resulting program is called the object program.

The assembler translates each assembly language instruction into a corresponding machine code.


1.Assembly languages reduce the cost of associated ROM chips because of the reduced code size.

2.Assembly language helps the programmer to understand the way the computer operates.

3.Assembly language programs are easy to understand and use.

4.It is easy to perform modifications.

5.It is easy to identify the errors, locate and correct the errors.


1.The execution time is more

2.Assembly languages is  hardware dependent. When the machine changes, the program has to be changed.

3.A programmer requires proper knowledge of the hardware.

High Level Language

Higher level languages are also known as problem oriented languages

A program in a high-level language is written in English-like language.

Programs are easier to write, read or understand in high-level languages than in machine language or assembly language.

The programmer is not required to know the detailed working of the computer system in order to program in a high level language.

Programs written in high-level languages is the source code which is converted into the object code (machine code) using software like translators or  interpreter or compiler .

Therefore they generally execute more slowly and require more memory than the same program written in assembly language.

A line of code in high-level program may correspond to more than one line of machine code.

Programs written in high-level languages are easily portable from one computer to another.


1. These languages are easier to read.

2. These are machine-independent languages.

3. Corrections and modifications can be done easily.


The execution time is more since the HLL instruction needs to be converted into assembly language and then to machine language.

Application Software and its types

Q5)What is Application Software and its types?

Ans: Application software is designed to perform specific tasks of the users. Microsoft Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, Microsoft Access, etc. are some of the examples of application software.

Application software is of 2 types: custom software and pre-written software packages.

Custom Software: Software that is developed for a specific user is known as custom software.

Easier to carry out changes in the software, if it is developed in-house

Developing software in-house means a major commitment of time, money, and resources

In-house software development team needs to be maintained and managed

A pre-written software package is a software that is developed for general needs of all the users.

Usually costs less

Planned activity can be stared almost immediately

The most important software are :

Database management software, e.g.

Oracle, DB2, Microsoft SQL server, etc.

Spreadsheet software, e.g. Microsoft Excel

Word Processing

Q6)Explain Word Processing Software with example?(VIMP)

Ans: The process of using a computer to create, edit, format and print documents is known as Word Processing. To perform word processing, a computer, a special program called a word processor and a printer are required.

Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processing software.

WordPerfect and open Office Writer, Libre Office Writer are some other word processers.

Office Web Apps or Google Docs are the Web-based word processors.

Features of word processing:

1. Toolbars: It contain buttons that make easier to perform some common tasks by clicking buttons like saving, printing, etc. we can also design the customized toolbars. Popular toolbars are standard, format, Auto text, mail merge, Drawing, word count. etc.

2. Mail Merge: It provides an ability to create a letter in Word, and then print multiple copies of that letter, each with a different name and address on it. Mail Merge in word may also be used to fill envelopes and labels with data as well.

3. Templates& Wizards: It allows us to work on text document which are pre defined in layout and style. We can also personalize templates.

4. Viewing: Word offers several ways to see documents such as normal, web layout, web page preview, zoom in and out outline, print layout, and print preview.

5. Find and Replace: We can search the specified text or word in the document and replace the text with the other text easily with using find and replace option in the word processor.

6. Auto format: We can apply the style, size, color, and fonts to the data or text by using the formatting toolbar and format.

7. Spell checking:  The feature is very useful for checking and correcting the word in a document. We can also provide the alternative word for misspelling word. Even the grammatical errors can also be rectified in word processor.

8. Email:  It messages can be sent directly from word and word can also be used as an editor for e-mails. Faxes as well can work with word.

9. Creation of tables:  Tables can be created neatly in word processor. if you give directions for required number of rows and columns, word provides a ready-made table to work.

10. Bullets and Numbering:  Bullets are special symbols which can be put for different points or paras in a documents where as numbers are ascending figures like 1,2,3,4...etc. which can be assigned to points in the Paras or documents in word processor.

Applications of word processing:

1.letters: Using word processor we can develop the different type letter with different formats. It provides predefined letters and we can design the different address same letters by using mail merge option.

We design the different type of notices using ms word processing that used to appeal the members.

3.Memorands: We can also design memoranda to give to the higher officials.

4.Brochures: using the word processing we can design the brochures that are used for admission in schools, colleges and real Estate officers.

5.Reports: Using of the ms word we can design the news report and other types of reports.

6.Resumes: We can design the different type of resume that are useful for interviews and it represent marks list and year wise report of the student.

7.Articles:  We can print the articles that are published in the news papers.


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