
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions



Operating System:

Q1)What is Operating System? Explain its Functions?

Ans: An operating system is a system software that acts as an intermediary between the user and the Hardware. It is a collection of software that handles resources and provides general services for the other applications that run over them.

An operating system (sometimes abbreviated as "OS") is the program that, after being initially loaded into the computer by a boot program, manages all the other programs in a computer.


Mac, MS Windows, Linux, Solaris, Android etc are some of the operating systems.


The common functions of an operating system:

· Process management A process is a program in execution. The operating system decides which process to run. It also assigns priority to the processes.

·Memory management Operating system is responsible to allocate and de-allocate memory.

·Device management The operating system controls accesses to the I/O devices among the processes.

·File management: The file system in an operating system allows users to create, delete, modify, open, close, and apply other operations to various types of files.

·Resource Management: The resource management function of an OS allocates computer resources such as CPU time, main memory, secondary storage, and input and output devices for use

·Data Management: The data management functions of an OS govern the input and output of the data and their location, storage, and retrieval.

·Communication Management: The OS establishes a standard means of communication between users and their computer systems. It does this by providing a user interface and a standard set of commands that control the hardware.

·Errors management: The operating system identify the error or false information is given by the user.

Characteristics of an Operating System

• Concurrency: being able to handle events as they occur and executing multiple tasks in parallel;

• Sharing the resources for a number of reasons:

1 -Cost

-  -Using the work of others

 -Sharing data: use the same data in several different programs possibly used by several different users.

• Removing redundancy;

• Long-term storage of information (privacy, integrity, security);

 • Non determinacy: an operating system must be able to handle events occurring in an unpredictable order.

Measuring System Performance

Q2) Discuss about measuring system performance?

Ans: Efficiency of an operating system and overall performance of a computer system are measured usually in terms of the following parameters: 

1. Throughput: Throughput is the amount of work that a system is able to do per unit time. It is measured as the number of jobs (processes) completed by the system per unit time.

For example, if a system is able to complete n processes in t seconds, its throughput is n/t processes per second during that interval. Throughput is measured normally in processes per hour.

Note that the throughput of a system does not depend on its jobs processing efficiency only, but also on the number of jobs processed. For long process, throughput of a system may be one process/hour; whereas for short processes, it may be 100 processes /hour for the same system.

2. Turnaround time: From the point of view of an individual user, an important criterion is how long it takes a system to complete a job submitted by him/her. Turnaround time is the interval between the time of submission of a job to the system for processing to the time of completion of the job. Although, higher throughput is desirable from the pointy of view of overall system performance, individual users are more interested in better turnaround time for their jobs.

3. Response time: Turnaround time is not a suitable measure for interactive systems because in such a system a process can produce some output early during its execution and can continue executing while previous results are being output to the user. Hence, another measure used in case of interactive systems is response time. It is the interval between the time of submission of a job to the system for processing to the time of the system producing the first response for the job. In any computer system, it is desirable to maximize throughput and minimize turnaround time and response time.

Q3)Explain in detail about assembler, compiler and interpreter? (VIMP)



1.Assembly language is also referred to as a symbolic representation(mnemonics) of the machine code. Assembler is a software that converts a program written in assembly language into machine code .There is usually a one-to-one correspondence between simple assembly statements and machine language instructions. The assembly language programs differ for different computer architectures.

2.Assemblers are much simpler to write. It is possible to have multiple sets of executable instructions for a single instruction set.

3.Every instruction written in assembly language comprises of opcode and at least one operand. Many of the instructions may refer to either a single value or pair of values. Opcode is the symbolic name given to a single-executable machine language instruction.

4.Most of the complex and highly-developed assemblers provide additional functionality in order to facilitate program development, to control the assembly process and to assist in debugging.

5.Many of present day assemblers consist of a macro facility for performing textual substitution because of which they are referred to as macro assemblers.

6.Generally, many of the modern assemblers are responsible for creating object code.

7.This is done by converting the assembly instructions (mnemonics) into opcodes and by resolving the symbolic names for memory locations.


1. Compiler is the software that translates the program written in a high-level language to machine language. The program written in high-level language is referred to as the source code and compiled program is referred as the object code. The object code is the executable code, which can run as a stand-alone code. It does not require the compiler to be present during execution.

2. Each programming language has its own compiler. Some languages that use a compiler are C++, COBOL, Pascal, and FORTRAN.

3. In some languages, compilation using the compiler and linking using the linker are required for creating the executable object code.

4.The compilation process generally involves two parts—breaking down the source code into small pieces and creating an intermediate representation, and, constructing the object code for the intermediate representation.

5.  The compiler also reports syntax errors, if any, in the source code.


1.Interpreter is similar to that of a compiler but the difference arises in their conversion format. Interpreter interprets every individual instruction and executes it immediately rather than executing entire program at once.

2.In case of any error, the program execution is halted until the error is rectified.

3.The interpreter needs to be stored in the memory till the program execution is completed.

4.Interpreter is useful while debugging because it displays the error message soon after interpreting individual instruction.

5.Interpreter considers the source program as input and generates an output.

6.When compared to an interpreted program, a compiled program can be executed more quickly. But, this is possible through an interpreter since object file saved in the memory program must be reinterpreted every time before execution.

4Q) Explain various types of operating systems?(VVIMP)

Ans:  Various operating systems have evolved depending on the requirement and the cost bearing capacity of the users:

1. Single user operating system

2. Multi-user operating system

3. Single tasking operating system

4. Multi-tasking operating system

5. Multi Programming operating system

6. Single processing operating system

7. Multi-processing operating system

8. Time sharing operating system

9. Batch processing operating system

1. Single User Operating System:

➢ A single user operating system is developed and use for a single user at any given time i.e., only one person can use the machine at a time and operating system is available to the single user at a time.

➢ An example of single user operating system is MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System)


✓ It is simple to design, implement and maintain

✓ It is relatively bug-free

✓ A computer is dedicated to one particular task at a time.


✓ Inefficient use of CPU time.

2. Multi-user operating system:

➢ A multi user operating system allows multiple users on different computers or terminals to access a single system (CPU) with one operating system on it.

➢ It allows two or more users to run program at the same time. Some operating systems permit hundred or even thousands of users at a time.

➢ Such operating system is made for machines which are more commonly called sharable machines i.e., data from one machine can be shared by other users at other machines.

➢ This operating system is more complex and more costly as compared to single user operating system.

➢ Ex: windows 2000 Server, windows NT and Windows 2003 Server.


✓ It makes better use of resources.

✓ It reduces response time.


✓ It has complex configuration

✓ It is difficult to handle and maintain

✓ It requires a lot of memory to process

✓ It is relatively expensive than single user operating system

✓ It is difficult to maintain security of data.

3. Single tasking operating system:

➢ Single tasking operating systems can process one application at one time.

➢ The user can only work on one application at a time i.e., user can’t start another application till the processing of one application has been finished by the operating system.

➢ Ex: MSDOS (Microsoft Disk Operating system).

4. Batch processing operating system:

➢ The operating system of such a computer had the function to transfer the control from one job to another.

➢ Batch processing operating systems are ideal in situations where:

·  There are large amounts of data to be processed.

·    Similar data needs to be processed

·  Similar processing is involved when executing the data.

➢ Batch processing is also known as serial, sequential, off line, or stacked job processing. It is the most appropriate method of processing for many types of applications such as payroll or preparation of customer statements where it is not necessary to update information on daily basis.


✓ It increases overall performance as a new job gets started on completion of previous job without human intervention.

✓ It is efficient because these use very little computer processing time to prepare a batch of data.

✓ The job execution is properly organized

✓It allows sharing of computer resources among many users


✓ Lack of interaction between the user and job could enter an infinite loop

✓ It is difficult to debug program

5. Multi-programming operating system:

➢ Multi-programming refers to execution of two or more different and independent program by the same computer.

➢ In this two or more program resides in main memory (RAM) and are executed concurrently.

➢ Since there is only one processor, that can be simultaneous execution of different programs. Instead, the operating system executes part of one program, then part of another, and so on. To the user it appears that all programs are executing at the same time.

➢ Ex: Windows2000, Windows XP, Windows-vista and Windows NT.


✓ It increases CPU utilization

✓It decreases total read time needed to execute a program.


✓ It is relatively more complicated

✓ It requires CPU scheduling

✓ Proper memory management is required

✓It requires tracking of all kinds of jobs running concurrently

6.Multi-tasking operating system:

➢ A multi-tasking operating system can capable of running more than one application at a time. For example: at some time you might be downloading something from internet, as well as you are writing mail to your friend and listening music also.

➢ Multi-user operating systems also have the property of multitasking. It improves the overall efficiency of the computer.

➢ Ex: Windows2000, Windows XP, Windows-vista and Windows NT.


✓ It increases the overall performance of the system

✓ It increases the overall productivity of the system


✓ It requires a lot of memory to execute several programs simultaneously

7. Multi-processing operating system:

➢ A multi-processing operating system allows a program to run on more than one central processing unit (CPU).

➢ If one of the CPU breaks down, then the other CPU will automatically takes over its job. This is also called parallel processing.

➢ By allowing parallel processing of segments of program, it improves performance of computer systems.

➢ Some multiprocessing operating systems are: Windows-2000, UNIX and Linux


✓ It increases the reliability of the system

✓ It increases the overall productivity of the system

✓ It has better performance than single-processing system

✓ If one CPU get failed other CPU are used to do that CPU’s job.


✓ It is very expensive.

✓ It requires a lot of memory to run and execute several user programs.

✓ If one CPU gets failed, it affects the speed of processing

✓ It is relatively more complex than single-processing system.

8. Time Sharing operating systems:

➢ It helps to provide a large number of user’s direct access to the main computer.

➢ In timesharing, the CPU is divided among different users on a scheduled basis. CPU allocated to programs on priority basis.

➢ This very brief share of CPU time is called time slice or time slot or quantum, which may vary from 10 milliseconds to 20 milliseconds. Each program gets a “time slice”.

➢ At end of time slice, current program is set aside and a new one starts.

➢ The timesharing operating system keeps only a few programs in the main memory and rest are stored in the disk storage. The program remains in hard disk until it is not active and when CPU time is allocated to it the program is brought to the main memory.

➢ This operation of transferring programs from disk storage to main memory and back is known as swapping.

➢ Sometime sharing operating systems are: Windows-2000, Windows 2003,UNIX and Linux.


✓ Provide advantage of quick response.

✓ Avoids duplication of software.

✓ Reduces CPU idle time.

✓ Allows the many users to execute their task simultaneously.

✓ It offers better utilization of resources.


✓ It is very difficult and expensive to develop.

✓ It is hard to implement

✓ Memory management must be provided to the system.

✓ It has problem of reliability

✓ It is difficult to maintain security and integrity of user programs and data.

9. Single processing operating system/ Uni-processor operating system:

➢ Single processing operating systems are designed to work with one processor/ CPU

➢ Desktop computers and laptops are generally uni-processor systems.

➢ These systems can manage the processing needs of a home or a small organizations, but they are not suitable for high level designing and complex calculations.

Some single processing operating systems are: Windows 98, Windows-ME.

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