
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions



The word computer is derived from the word compute. Compute means to calculate. The computer was originally defined as a super fast calculator. It had the capacity to solve complex arithmetic and scientific problems at very high speed. But nowadays computers  can perform many other tasks like accepting, sorting, selecting, moving, comparing various types of information. They also perform arithmetic and logical operations on alphabetic, numeric and other types of information. This information provided by the user to the computer is data.

The information in one form which is presented to the computer is the input information or input data.

Q1.Define computer ? Explain Various characteristics of Computers?

Ans: A Computer is an electronic device that processes data and converts it into information that is useful to people.

Characteristics of computer

1) SPEED: The processing speed of the computer is generally measured in nanoseconds (10-9 seconds). A computer can add two 18 digit numbers within one nano second.

2) ACCURACY: Computers can do calculations without mistakes. A human being may make mistakes in calculating a certain range of calculations. But the results given by computer will always be accurate.

3) RELIABLE: The major reason behind the reliability of computers is that at hardware level, it does not require any human intervention between its processing operations. A human being sometimes knowingly or unknowingly gives results which may be biased. But a computer being impartial, gives always reliable results which can be relied upon by all.

4) STORAGE CAPACITY: A computer can store large quantity of data. The storage capacity of the computer can be increased further by secondary memory devices. The data can be saved and used at any time in future.

5) DILIGENCE: A computer can do the work for days together. It will work without any boredom and tiredness. Even if it does the same work many times, it won’t get frustrated like a human being. Moreover a computer will work with same tempo from beginning to end.

6) VERSATILITY: Computer can perform multiple tasks simultaneously with equal ease. They feed data, calculate sums, perform programming and provide multimedia facilities. That is why they are used in all types of business.

7) NETWORKING CAPACITY: A computer can be connected with other computers & share the resources like data, printer etc. This feature of connectivity with other computers lead to evolution of computer networking. We can communicate with people in the world because of networking which ultimately leads to evolution of internet.

8) COMPACTNESS: Computers occupy very small space in offices or organizations. Now-a-days size of computers has decreased a lot due to increased technology. The laptop & notebook computers can be taken outside. They can be operated in cars, railways, buses etc. Inspite of their small size, their efficiency has increased a lot.

9) EASY MAINTENANCE: Computers can be managed easily. They can be repaired immediately. The maintenance cost of computers is small. They need not require much electricity.

10) PROGRAMMABLE: The computer can be programmed to work automatically. They start the work as per our program and terminate the work until we are satisfied.

Evolution of Computers

Q.2)Explain evolution of computers or history of computers?

Ans: Computers have evolved over the years from simple mechanical device to powerful digital computers.

1. Abacus  Abacus was the first calculating machine used for counting. Abacus was mainly used for addition and subtraction. 

2.Napier’s bones: The Napier’s Bones has a set of bones. It was invented by John Napiers. He invented this to perform multiplication.

3. Slide rule The Slide Rule was invented by ‘William - Ought red’. The slide rule is has two sets of scales. These scales are useful to perform multiplication and division.

The first mechanical device used for addition was invented by Pascal in 1642.

→ This machine was improvised by Baron Gottfied in 1671 and invented a device capable of performing multiplication.

→ In 1880, Herman Hollerith introduced the concept of punched cards for providing input. This concept was continuously adopted till late 1970s.

→ Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of modern digital computers

• He designed “Difference Engine” in 1822 .

• He designed a fully automatic analytical engine in 1842 for performing basic arithmetic functions 

His efforts established a number of principles that are fundamental to the design of any digital computer

Some Well Known Early Computers

• The Mark-I Computer  It was a machine of length 50 feet and height 8 feet capable of performing addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.

 • Atanasoff- Berry Computer (ABC)   This computer used vacuum tubes for performing logical  operations where as capacitors for storing instructions. It was capable of solving some mathematical equations.

 • Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC)  This computer was the first fully electronic computer which occupies around 20 x 40 sq.ft of space and is capable of performing mathematical calculations in microseconds.

 • Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer (EDVAC)  This computer works on the stored program concept and is capable of storing both instructions and data in binary format.

 Universal Automatic Computer-I (UNIVAC-I)  This computer was the first digital computer developed for commercial purpose.

 • IBM-650  This computer was the commercial computer developed by IBM (International Business Machine).


Q3.)Explain Block Diagram of computer?(VIMP)

Ans: A) Input Unit : Computer uses input devices to accept the data and program. Keyboard, mouse, light pen, touch screen etc., are some of the input devices

B) CPU (Central Processing Unit) : CPU is the brain of any computer system. It Coordinates all computer operations and Perform arithmetic and logical operations on data. It controls the operation of all parts of the computer.

CPU itself has the following three components

ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) :This unit consists of two subsections namely, Arithmetic Section and Logic Section

Arithmetic Section: Function of arithmetic section is to perform arithmetic operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. All complex operations are done by making repetitive use of the above operations.

Logic Section: Function of logic section is to perform logic operations such as comparing, selecting, matching, and merging of data.

Memory Unit or Storage Unit  The electronic storage are of a computer is known as Memory. It is also known as internal storage unit or the main memory or the primary storage or Random Access Memory (RAM).

Computers memory is of two types:

              1.Primary Memory ( or )Main Memory

              2.Secondary Memory

Main memory stores the programs and data that are currently being used by the computer. It holds data and programs temporarily.

Secondary memory stores the data permanently. It is also known as auxiliary memory. It is much less expensive.

Control Unit: Control Unit of a computer system manages and coordinates the operations of all other components of the computer system

C) Output Unit : Output devices can display the resulting information to the user. Monitors and Printers are commonly used output devices.

Generations of Computers:

Q4.) Explain Generations of Computers?

Ans: The evolution of computers can be divided into the following Five generations

First Generation  1940-1956: The computers of the period 1940-1956 are considered as the First Generation Computers. The first generation computers were slow, huge and expensive. These computers used vacuum tubes. First generation computers operated only on machine language.

Example: UNIVAC and ENIAC.

Second Generation - 1956-1963: The computers of the period 1956-1963 are considered as the Second Generation Computers. These computers used transistors. These computers used assembly language.

In the second generation computers:

·         Size of the computers started reducing

·       • Concept of stored program emerged

·          High level languages were invented.

Example: IBM 7094 series, IBM 1400 series and CDC 164etc.

Third Generation - 1964-1971 : The computers of the period 1964-1971 are considered as the Third Generation Computers. These computers used Integrated circuits (ICs).

·         Phenomenal increase in computation speed

·         Substantial reduction in size and power consumption of the machines

·         Commercial production of computers.

Example: IBM 370, UNIVAC 1108etc.

Fourth Generation - 1971-Present : The computers of the period 1971-present are considered as the Fourth Generation Computers. These computers used microprocessors.

·         Use of Very Large Scale Integration

·         Invention of microcomputers

·         Introduction of Personal Computers

·         Networking

·         Fourth Generation Languages.

Example: Apple Macintosh and IBM PC.

Fifth Generation - Present and Beyond: The computers of present and beyond are considered as the Fifth Generation Computers. These computing devices are based on ‘artificial intelligence’. Many advances in the science of computer design and technology are coming together to enable the creation of fifth generation computers.

Example: IBM Watson computer, SGI Origin 2000 , PARAM 10000


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