

UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

Classification Of Computers

Q.5)Explain classification of computers?

Ans: Computers are broadly classified into two categories depending upon the logic used in their design as:

Analog computers: In analog computers, data is recognized as a continuous measurement of a physical property like voltage, speed, pressure etc. Readings on a dial or graphs are obtained as the output,

ex. Voltage, temperature; pressure can be measured in this way.

Digital Computers: These are high speed electronic devices. These devices are programmable. They process data by way of mathematical calculations, comparison, sorting etc. They accept input and produce output as discrete signals representing high (on) or low (off) voltage state of electricity. Numbers, alphabets, symbols are all represented as a series of 1s and Os.

Classification of digital computers is done on the basis of their capacity to access memory and size like:

•Small Computers:

I) Microcomputers: Microcomputers are generally referred to as Personal Computers (PCs). They have Smallest memory and less power. They are widely used in day to day applications like office automation, and professional applications, ex. PCAT, Pentium etc.

II) Note Book and Laptop Computers: These are portable in nature and are battery operated. Storage devices like CDs, floppies etc. and output devices like printers can be connected to these computers. Notebook computers are smaller in physical size than lap top computers. However, both have powerful processors, support graphics, and can accept mouse driven input.

III) Hand Held Computers: These types of computers are mainly used in applications like collection of field data. They are even smaller than the note book computers.

•Hybrid Computers: Hybrid Computers are a combination of Analog and Digital computers. They combine the speed of analog computers and accuracy of digital computers. They are mostly used in specialized applications where the input data is in an analog form i.e. measurement. This is converted into digital form for further processing. The computers accept data from sensors and produce output using conventional input/output devices.

• Mini Computers: Mini computers are more powerful than the micro computers. They have higher memory capacity and more storage capacity with higher speeds. These computers are mainly used in process control systems. They are mainly used in applications like payrolls, financial accounting, Computer aided design etc.

ex. VAX, PDP-11

•Mainframe Computers: Main frame computers are very large computers which process data at very high speeds of the order of several million instructions per second. They can be linked into a network with smaller computers, micro computers and with each other. They are typically used in large organizations, government departments etc.

ex. IBM4381, CDC

• Super Computers: A super computer is the fastest, most powerful and most expensive computer which is used for complex tasks that require a lot of computational power. Super computers have multiple processors which process multiple instructions at the same time. This is known as parallel processing. These computers are widely used in very advanced applications like weather forecasting, processing geological data etc.

ex. CRAY-2, NEC - 500, PARAM.

Applications of Computer

Q.6) Explain applications of computer?


1. Educational Institutions   Computers are incorporated  in various educational institutions like schools and colleges for easy learning.

The computer based learning allows students to gain knowledge about specific topic. The development of computers helped the students in preparing projects and essays, in performing mathematical calculations etc.

 2. Science: Computers are used by scientist in the fields of research and development. It facilitates in analyzing new theories, predicting natural calamities like tsunami and earthquake.

3. Communication: Computers enable multiple users to transfer data from one system to another system. Internet is considered as a common communication media that provides interactions among various users.

4. Business: Computers are used in various business organizations in order to maintain records of their accounts, their inventory and about profit and loss. In addition to this, computers can also be used for conducting meetings among users residing on different remote locations via web conferencing. Apart from this, computer and internet also helps in carrying out online business.

5. Banking: Computers are used in banks to facilitate online banking. This helps in easy transfer of money from one account to another, bill payments etc. Beside this, computers are also used for maintaining records of financial transactions being performed in bank.

6. Entertainment: Computers can be incorporated in entertainment industries for creating interactive graphics, animations and video games.

7. Government: Computers can also be used in various government departments like revenue, defense, industry, census, police etc., for betterment of people. The term e-governance is extensively growing popularly in the world.

8. Health: Computers are used in hospitals so as to,

(i) Keep track of patients records and generating bills

(ii) Diagnose different diseases and ailments

(iii)Monitor the patients condition using various analog and digital devices

(iv) Examine the internal parts of the body.

9. Military: Computers are useful in designing weapons, targeting ballistic muscles and controlling access to atomic bomb etc.

10. Weather Forecast: Computers are used to analyze and forecast the weather.

limitations of computer

·  The computer cannot think on its own, since it does not have its own brain. It can only do what is has been programmed to do.

· The computers do not learn from previous experience nor can they arrive at a conclusion without going through all the intermediate steps.

Role of I/O devices in a computer system

·Input/ Output devices (I/O devices) are used to communicate with the computer.  

· They surround the central processing unit.

·For this reason, they are called peripherals or peripheral devices of computer.

·The role of these devices is to input the data to the computer are different from output devices.

·However, some I/O devices are capable of performing both input and output functions.

· I/O devices are slower in terms of speed when compared to CPU.

· The reason for this is the movement of mechanical parts present in these devices.

Input Units:

Q.7) Write a detailed note on input devices in a computer?(VIMP)

Input devices are:

1. Keyboard

2. Mouse

3. Scanner

4. Joystick

5. Light Pen

6. Digitizer

7. Microphone

8. Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR)

9. Optical Character Reader (OCR)

10. Digital Camera


A keyboard is the primary input device. It can be used to enter the text input. A standard keyboard contains about 100 keys. It contains Typing keys, numeric keypad, Control keys, function keys, cursor keys and special purpose keys. The computer keyboard uses the QWERTY key arrangement.

The keys on the keyboard include :

A-Z : Used to enter alphabets

0-9 : Used to enter numbers

Up, Down, Left, Right(Arrow Keyes): To Move the cursor in the specified direction

F1-F12 : Special Function Keys

PgUp/PgDn : To move cursor up or down by one page enter/To move cursor to a new line

Shift : A Special key To Select the other option shown normal character on the same

key Num Lock : Activates the keypad on the right side of the keyboard. In the normal mode this numeric pad works as per the function written below the number on the key

Pointing Devices

Mouse A Mouse is a graphical input device. You can move the mouse around a surface and controls the pointer.  The mouse is a pointing device. The mouse is used to control and manipulate cursor movement on the monitor. The mouse usually has three or four buttons on it and a roller ball which signals the movements made by the mouse on a flat surface.

The various types of mouse in use are

·      - Mechanical mouse

·     - Optical mouse

·      - Opt mechanical mouse

By using the mouse, you can perform:

I. Clicking

II. Double-Clicking

III. Dragging

IV. Right Clicking

Joystick :

Joystick is also a pointing device, which is used to move the cursor position on a monitor screen. It is a stick having a spherical ball at its both lower and upper ends. The lower spherical ball moves in a socket. The joystick can be moved in all four directions. The function of the joystick is similar to that of a mouse. It is mainly used in Computer Aided Designing (CAD) and playing computer games.

Light Pen : Light pen is a pointing device similar to a pen. It is used to select a displayed menu item or draw pictures on the monitor screen. It consists of a photocell and an optical system placed in a small tube.

When the tip of a light pen is moved over the monitor screen and the pen button is pressed, its photocell sensing element detects the screen location and sends the corresponding signal to the CPU.

Touch Screen: Touch screen serve as an input device that detects the presence and location of a touch within the display area. It consists of a special surface screen on which the objects are pointed and selected. It is very sensitive to objects like finger or stylus.

 Track Ball The track ball uses a hard sphere to control cursor movement. The bail can be rotated in any direction by hand and this is translated into a digital signal to control the cursor movement on the screen.

Scanner A scanner is an input device. It can scan a document or an image into the computer's memory. Scanner is device used to input text/pictures/ any other data as images (graphic mode).

Scanners are 2 types. They are Flat-bed scanner and Hand-held scanner.

 1) Flat-bed Scanner: Flat-bed scanner is one of the most commonly used input device for scanning the documents. It is similar to a xerox machine. It is a box that consists of a transparent glass plate at the top and a covering lid. In a flat-bed scanner, a document can be scanned by placing it on to the glass-plate and closing the lid.

 2) Hand-held Scanner: Hand-held scanner carries a set of LEDs. To scan a page, user needs to manual hold the scanner in the hand and slowly drag it over the page. The quality of scanning completely relies on the steadiness of scanning. For this reason, it is less preferable over flat-bed scanners.

 Optical Character Recognition (OCR):

·         An optical card reader works in the similar way as the human eye.

·         It uses a device that reads preprinted characters in a particular font and converts them to digital code.

·         Data can be saved and transferred to the computer system to be used in activities .

(ii) Optical Mark Recognition (OMR)

·         The process of extracting the data from marked fields like fill-in fields of checkboxes is called OMR.

·         It contains mark sensing to scan and translate a series of pen or pencil marks in OMR sheet into computer readable form based on its location.

·         An example of it is the objective type multiple choice question paper of bank recruitment exam.

·         A computerized optical mark reader generates scores by identifying the position of the mark.

(iii) Magnetic Ink Character Reader (MICR)

·         MICR input device is generally used in banks as there are large number of cheques to be processed every day.

·         The bank's code number and cheque number are printed on the cheques with a special type of ink that contains particles of magnetic material that are machine readable.

·         This reading process is called Magnetic Ink Character Recognition (MICR). The main advantages of MICR is that it is fast and less error prone.

·         They decrease the chances of check fraud.

(iii)Barcode Reader

·         Bar Code Reader is a device used for reading bar coded data (data in the form of light and dark lines). Bar coded data is generally used in labeling goods, numbering the books, etc. It may be a handheld scanner or may be embedded in a stationary scanner.

·         Bar Code Reader scans a bar code image, converts it into an alphanumeric value, which is then fed to the computer that the bar code reader is connected to.

Digitizer :

A digitizer converts a graphical or pictorial data into digital form which can be directly entered and stored in a computer. A digitizer is also called as a graphics tablet.                                

Terminals and its types

Terminal or visual Display Terminal (VDT) is a device capable of performing input and output operations.

It carries a monitor (screen) and a keyboard for output and input respectively.

The functionality of older terminals were dependent on main frame computers where they are connected over a cable.

However, in personal computers, they perform independently.

Following are the various types of terminals,

1) Dumb Terminal: The terminal which is capable of providing only input from keyboard to the computer and displaying output on the screen is called a dumb terminal. It is not capable of processing any input provided by the user. It is used only on mainframe computers

2) Smart Terminal: The terminal which is capable of performing limited amount processing a part from input/output operations is called smart terminal. These processing capabilities usually include editing and verifying the data. A limitation in these terminals is the lack of programming capability.

3) Intelligent Terminal: The terminal which carries an inbuilt processor is called intelligent terminal terminal or user programmable terminal. These terminals act as personal computers and are connected over a LAN through switches. These terminals can access mainframe computers and can also perform their own set of operations. It carries keyboard, monitor, communication links, memory and software.

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