
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions

Q.8) Explain voice recognition system ,vision input system?


Voice Recognition Systems :

They allow the users to input the data to the computer through their speech/voice.

They make use of microphones for this purpose.

Speech/voice recognition systems are used for capturing or creating the sound such as music, speech, etc

It requires the input to be given in a proper way with appropriate accent, vocabulary and grammar.

This makes it a less preferable and complex system.

Applications of Voice Recognition System are,

1. In hospitals where doctors might be busy in surgeries and require to perform some other operation.

2. Dictating a long passage to the computer to avoid typing.

3. Speech input authentication.

4. Users with disabilities.

Vision Input Systems

Vision input or video input system allows the users to provide input to the system in the form of a visual or video format.

This system recognizes various shapes and attributes of objects to recognize them.

The input is given from a video camera and the computer performs the following activities,

❖ Captures a picture of the object by focusing on it.

❖ Creates a digital image and stores it in the computer.

❖ Matches the captured image with the images present in its database.

❖ Performs a specific action based on the match results.

The system is getting highly adopted robots that uses artificial intelligence technology.


Output Units:

Q.9) Explain various output units?(VIMP)

Ans: The process of displaying the results from CPU is known as “OUTPUT”. The devices which are used to display results from CPU are called as output devices or output units. Output can be represented in the form of hard copy or soft copy.

Ex:- Monitor, Printer, Speakers, ….., etc.

Monitors and its types

Monitor is a standard output device, used to show the result as soft copy on screen. The monitors are  widely available in variety of shapes, designs and colors.

Monitors are 2 types based on color display. They are

·         Black & White (Mono-Chrome)

·         Color (Poly-Chrome)

Based on light technology monitors are,

(a) CRT Monitor: The CRT monitor is the most common type of monitor and looks and works just like a television. This type of monitor uses a Cathode Ray Tube (CRT).

(b) LCD Monitor: Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) monitors are flat panel displays that occupies less space. They are preferred over CRT monitor because they are light weight and consume less power. They can be used in small devices such as laptops, calculators, watches, microwave ovens and so on.

(c) LED Monitor: Light Emitting Diode (LED) is a flat panel display that uses a grid (matrix) of diodes representing the pixel positions in the display, LED displays are very much similar to LCD displays with only a difference of light source which is present at the back of the screen. It consist of small semiconductors (light emitting diodes) that illuminates the display when it is exposed to electric current. It produces better quality picture than LCD. It is light weight and has longer life span. But the cost of LED is twice of a standard LCD. It is used in applications such as billboards, signs on public transparent vehicles, display boards for displaying information at hospitals, hotels, schools and so on.

Printers:(Explain difference between impact and non impact printers?)

A printer produces the output from the computer on the paper. It is the most commonly used output device. Printers are classified as :

a) Impact Printer

b) Non Impact Printer

a) Impact Printer

Impact printers are similar to typewriters. They use hammer to strike a character against an inked ribbon and the impact of the hammer causes the image of the character to be printed on paper.

E.g. Dot matrix printers, line printers, daisy wheel printers.

Advantages of impact printers:

·  Their functioning is relatively easy

· Multiple copies can be produced at the same time with the help of carbon paper.

· Impact printers are noisy in operation and are subject to wear and tear of mechanical parts.

Types of impact printers :

1) Dot Matrix Printers

Dot matrix printer prints each character as a pattern of dots. The printer has a printer head with a matrix of pins (needles). Typical heads have a matrix of 7 rows and 9 columns. These pins produce a pattern of dots to form the individual characters.

2) Daisy Wheel Printer :

These printers are also called as letter quality printers. These printers have a daisy wheel with a number of petals. A character is embossed on each wheel. There is a motor which spins the wheel at a fast rate. When the desired character is brought to the correct position, a hammer strikes the petal to produce the output. Thus these printers are impact printers. The letter quality of these printers is much superior as compared to the dot matrix printers. But they are slow and typically print in the range of 10-50 characters per second.

3) Line Printer:

Line printers are very fast printers which print at speed of 200-2500 lines per minute. Line printers are normally used in applications where large volumes of data are to be printed.

The two types of line printers are :

(i) Drum printers

This consists of a metallic cylinder. On the surface of this drum there are characters in bands. Each column or band on the drum contains all the characters. Opposite to each band there is a hammer located behind the paper. The drum rotates at a fast rate. The hammer strikes the paper along with the inked ribbon and produces the output. One line is printed in each revolution of the printer.

(ii) Chain printers

In the chain printers there is one print hammer for each print position on a line. There is a fast moving chain called the print chain. When this chain rotates, the print hammer and the inked ribbon strike the paper against the proper character on the chain.

Non Impact Printer

They use thermal, chemical, electrostatic and inkjet technologies for printing as against the hammer mechanism of impact printers. E.g. Laser printers, DeskJet printers.

Ink Jet Printer:

Ink jet printer is a non impact printer. It prints characters by spraying ink from tiny nozzles onto the paper. A special type of ink which has a high iron content is used. This ink is charged electrically when it comes out of the nozzle. This ink is absorbed by the paper and dries instantly. The output of the ink jet printer is of a superior quality.

Laser Printers : These printers are used where a very superior quality output is desired. The image is created on a photo sensitive drum ; with a laser beam. The laser is turned on and off when it moves back and forward across the drum. It leaves a negative charge on the drum to which a positively charged black toner powder sticks. When the paper rolls by the drum, the ink is transferred to the paper. Laser printers have a buffer memory to store entire pages and hence their speed is very fast.

Plotter :

A plotter is an output device used in applications where printouts of graphs and drawings are required. Plotters are of two types :

1) Flat bed i.e. X-Y plotter:

This plotter plots on a paper which is fixed on a rectangular flatbed table. One recording pen moves in the x direction and one in the y direction to plot on the  paper. Color plotting is al so possible by using pens of different colors.

2) Drum Plotter:

In this plotter the paper on which the output is to be obtained, is placed over a drum. The drum rotates back and forth to produce motion. The pen is mounted horizontally across the drum and the horizontal motion of the pen is achieved with the help of the pen holder. The drum and the holder move simultaneously to produce output. Multi coloured printing is possible by changing the pens.

The speed of plotters is very slow. Therefore normally the output is first sent to some secondary storage device like a magnetic tape and then directed to the plotter.


·         A sound card can be defined as an expansion card that is capable of producing sounds using certain computer programs. Hence, it can be also called as an audio card. It is a peripheral device that can be attached to a motherboard.

·         The following are the functions of a sound card.

(i) Produce sounds

(ii) Converts analog-to-digital

(iii) Converts digital-to-analog

There are three methods that can be used for generating the sounds, they are Frequency Modulation (FM), wave table and physical modelling.

Anolog Vs Digital

Analog signals are collection of waves.

Digital signals are nothing but the electrical impulses containing 0’s and 1’s.

Hence a sound card can be used for converting computer digital data into analog data.

For this purpose, it contains four components that are present on its printed circuit board. They are,

a.Anolog-to-digital converter (ADC)

b.Digital-to-analog converter (DAC)

c.PCI interface that can attach the sound card to the motherboard.

d.Input and output connections for the microphone and speakers.


·         It is an output device that takes audio input from the sound card of computer and gives audio output in the form of sound waves to the user. They are external to the computer and usually contains low-power internal amplifier. The computer speakers are available in verify of quality and price. Some speakers supports power amplifiers for bass speakers and small satellite speakers.

·         Basically, PC speakers can be grouped into two types,

(a) Passive speaker

(b) Active speaker

(a) Passive speaker:

A passive speaker is the standard speaker incorporated by most of the PCs. It does not contain amplifier.

(b) Active Speaker:

An active speaker contains amplifier i.e., the amplifier is built-in the PC. And, it eliminates the need for external amplifier.

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