
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions


Q16)Explain about Graphics ?

Ans: A graphics package allows user to utilize a computer system for creating, editing, viewing, storing, retrieving and printing designs, drawings, pictures, graphics, etc which can be designed in a traditional format.

Characteristics of Graphic Packages

Following are the characteristics aided by graphic packages.

1. Draw Designs

It allows users in outlining the graphics objects like lines, circles, rectangles, are and so on inorder to draw diagrams designs. It reduces the overhead of the user in drawing exact shapes of objects like straight lines or fully rounded circles. However, package generates the lines and round circles because it automatically links them with one another properly. Additionally, it also permits users to perform move, copy, delete, rotate, tilt, flip horizontally/vertically, increase/decrease the size of objects. Therefore, the above mentioned characteristics makes simple for the user to generate complex designs.

Computer-Aided Design (CAD) is an environment which is mainly dependent on this feature of graphics software. Architects and engineers make use of CAD system for producing architectural drawings, product designs, landscaping plans and several other types of engineering drawings. Therefore, user can generate actual designs within less time period rather than designing them several days.

2. Paint Drawings and Pictures

It helps users to alter the drawings and pictures in the form of an image.  The images that are linked over the screen mainly depends on the binary bits called as bit mapping. The images that are represented in terms of pixels are referred to as bitmap images graphics. Each pixel represents a particular color. Bitmapped editors are used to create or edit the pictures. Adobe Photoshop, Flash, Corel Draw, Corel photo point, Paint shop pro are some of the commonly used bitmap editors. Bitmapped file format is used to store the bitmap images. The formats GIF, JPEG, Bitmap (BMP), Post Script (PS), IRIS and Tagged Image File Format (TIFF) can store the bitmap graphics files.

Images or graphic objects that are represented using mathematical tracks are referred to as vector graphics. Image attributes such as lines, points, circles, arcs, few geometric shapes are represented in terms of geometrical equations. The image that needs frequent resizing and repositioning should be represented using this technique. Vector graphics can be created or modified using vector editors. Most often vector editors are used to create or modify more complicated graphics like photographs. In raster graphics, images are produced in the form of dots known as pixels. This technique is used by the painting software through organizing the screen pixels positions.

However, raster graphics images occupy more memory when compared with vector graphics, it is more flexible and provides high degree of creativity in drawing typical shapes and using of colors.

3. Present Graphs

It allows users to design graphs and charts by importing the numerical information from software like a spreadsheet or a database. Line graphs, bar charts and pie charts are mostly used by the users for representing numerical data graphically. Line graphs consists of several lines which internally links the data points placed over horizontal and vertical axes. Bar charts utilize more than one bar that exists on horizontal and vertical axes to display the values through lengths of the bars. In certain cases, each bar segregated is into various component parts and the addition of these parts is a result of the total length of the stacked bar.

Pie chart is a circle divided into sectors which shows the sharing of each component in the entire circle. But, bar graphs shows better proportion estimates. This is used by the analysts, decision makers as it helps in easy understanding of the relationships, modifications, trends that hidden in respective geometrical data and defines decision making.

4. Drag-and-Drop Objects

It allows user to develop all the designs and pictures quickly by enabling them to use ready-made graphic objects or images that are provided with a software. For instance, drawing software is provided with additional ready-made shapes such as line, rectangle, circle and so on which can be utilized by the user while designing based on their requirement.

The steps for adding a clip-art are as follows,

1. Select the slide to which the user need to add the clip-art or insert a new slide.

2. Choose insert/clip-art command then power point displays the clip-art gallery.

3. In clip-art gallery, choose one of the images by double-clicking on it. Power point adds the selected image to the current slide.

4. Drag one corner of the image inorder to change its size.

5. Drag the image itself to replace its position.

6. To replace the image with another image, just double-click on it. The clip-art gallery will appear and from there a new image can be selected.

7. The size and position of the newly added image is same as that of the old one.

5. Import Objects

It allows users to develop all the designs and pictures much quickly by enabling them to not only access graphic objects or images provided along with a software but also those objects that are provided by some other software.

The general steps for importing the images are as follows,

1. In power point presentation, select the slide to which the user need to add the image or insert a new slide.

2. The commands like Insert/Picture, Insert/Clip art, Insert/Object are used to select the images.

3. Select the format of the file, which the user want to import.

4. Select the file name of the intended image.

5. Click OK then power point adds the selected image to the current slide.

6. Drag the mouse to define the desired size and position of the chosen graphic.

7. Edit the image, if required by double clicking on it.

6. Screen Capture

This technique allows user to capture the screenshot of a display screen and translate it into an image referred as a bit-mapped image which can be saved in a file and can be imported later whenever required. This is beneficial at the time of writing books or manuals which involves the screen images.

DBMS Software

Q16)Explain about DBMS Software ?

Ans: In database-oriented approach of organizing data, a set of programs is provided to facilitate users in

organizing, creating, deleting, updating, and manipulating data in a database

All these programs together form a Database Management System (DBMS)

Database model defines the manner in which the various files of a database are linked together.

Four commonly used database models are:

·         -Hierarchical

·        - Network

·         -Relational

·         -Object-oriented


Main Components of DBMS:

DBMS allows users to organize, process and retrieve selected data from a database without knowing about

the underlying database structure

Four major components of a DBMS that enable this are:

-Data Definition Language (DDL): Used to define the structure (schema) of a database

-Data Manipulation Language (DML): Provides commands to enable the users to enter and

manipulate the data

-Query Language: Enables users to define their requirements for extracting the desired information from the database in the form of queries

Report generator: Enables the users of a database to design the layout of a report so that it can be presented in the desired format


1. Schema/Structure Definition

Schema definition is the first step in creating a database. In this step, the fields needed to be included in the database are noted down on a paper and their associated characteristics are determined. These characteristics can be name, size, type etc.

2. Form Design

Designing of forms is the second step in the creation of database. It helps in providing a user-friendly platform for the users to enter the data in the database. It provides a set of fields with empty spaces so that users can enter desired data within those fields.

Forms can be designed with several features like,

❖ Providing a list of options from which a user can select the appropriate one. For example, users can select the Gender field as either Male or Female.

❖ Converting the case (capital or small) of the data to the required one.

3. Data Entry

The data entry step is started as soon as the forms are designed. It is typically carried out in a record-by-record manner. The users can start the data entry by calling appropriate form. The records are assigned with a serial numbers to get identified. These numbers are assigned automatically.

Using Database

Database can be used to view, modify, delete and add new records.

1. Viewing Database

The records of a database can be viewed by forwarding appropriate view command. These records are retrieved using a specific field value such as student ID. After accessing a record, some additional options are also given that allows users to go to the next, previous, first and last records. Apart from this, it also provides, filter options to obtain the most appropriate records from the database.

2. Modifying Database

The records of database can also be modified. When a record is accessed using view option, it can be modified simply by clicking on the field value. To save the modified record, users can press Enter key on the keyboard. Based on the type of database, a confirmation message can appear to ensure that the database is modified.

3. Deleting Records

The saved records of database can be deleted easily by forwarding delete record command to the database system. The user needs to select the record using its field value. Similar to the modification confirmation, a confirmation message appears on the screen to avoid accidental deletion of records.

4. Adding New Records

New records can be added within a database by forwarding appropriate command. As a result, a blank form appears allowing the user to enter the data in the form and save the new record in the database by pressing Enter key. Once the newly added form is saved, the system automatically displays a blank form to add another record. To terminate this process, use the mouse or keyboard to select the terminate option.

Query languages are supported by the database systems for handling complex queries. These query languages follow SQL standard.

SQL (Structured Query language) is a database language which is compatible with RDBMS. It provides an interface to simple relational database. It is a simple portable language that does not require enough learning to work with its syntax and commands. It performs the following functions,

 (a) Creates tables and database structures.

 (b) Performs addition, deletion and modification operations on the database structures.

All these operations are performed using the concept of DML (Data Manipulation Language) and DDL (Data Definition Language).


1. SQL is an English-like language containing statements in English sentences. Hence SQL statements are easily understandable.

2. It minimizes the time required in creating and maintaining the database systems.

3. It gives quick solutions to complex queries.

4. It is a portable language and can be executed on various computer systems.

5. It enables communication between clients and servers over a network.

6. It enables programmers to write applications for accessing database.

(ii) Query By Example (QBE)

Query-By-Example (QBE) is query language developed for only for retrieving data from database. But  now, this application is capable of performing operations like insertion, deletion, updating and creation of tables.


1. It is a first Graphical User Interface (GUI) language.

2. It is user friendly.


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