
UNIT-I: INTRODUCTION TO COMPUTERS: Introduction, Definition,Characteristics of computer,Evolution of Computer,Block Diagram Of a computer,Generations of Computer, Classification Of Computers,Applications of Capabilities and limitations of computer. Computer,Role of I/O devices in a computer system.Input Units:Keyboard, Terminals and its types. Pointing Devices, Scanners and its types, Voice Recognition Systems, Vision Input System,Touch Screen,Output Units: Monitors and its types.Printers: Impact Printers and its types.Non-Impact Printers and its types, Plotters, types of plotters, Sound cards,Speakers.
UNIT -II: COMPUTER ARITHMETIC & STORAGE FUNDAMENTALS Binary, Binary Arithmetic, Number System: Positional & Non Positional,Binary,Octal, Decimal,Hexadecimal, Converting from one number system to another.Primary VsSecondary Storage,Data storage & retrieval methods.Primary Storage: RAM ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM. Secondary Storage: Magnetic Tapes,Magnetic Disks. Cartridge tape,hard disks,Floppy disks Optical Disks,Compact Disks,Zip Drive, Flash Drives.
UNIT-III: SOFTWARE: Software and its needs, Types of S/W.System Software: Operating System, Utility Programming Language: Machine Language,Assembly Language, High Level advantages & disadvantages. Application S/W and its types: Word Processing, Spread Sheets Language their Programs Presentation,Graphics,DBMS s/w.
UNIT-IV:OPERATING SYSTEM: Functions,Measuring System Performance,Assemblers,Compilers and Interpreters.Batch Processing, Multiprogramming,Multi Tasking,Multiprocessing,Time Sharing, DOS,Windows, Unix/Linux.
UNIT-V: DATA COMMUNICATION:Data, Communication, Basic Networking Devices, Communication Process, Data Transmissionspeed, Communication Types(modes),Data Transmission Medias,Modem and its working,characteristics,Typesof Networks,LAN Topologies, Computer Protocols, Concepts relating to networking

FIT Important Questions

5Q) Explain booting process?


Booting: Process that starts up a computer is called booting. It checks for proper functioning of all the  Peripheral devices attached with the system. It searches for the operating system and, when located, loads it into the main memory.

There are two Types of Booting

Cold booting: The process of starting the computer and loading its operating system by turning the power


Warm booting: The process of restarting the computer and loading its operating system again is known as warm booting.

6Q) What is MS DOS  and Explain it’s functions and features?(VIMP)

 Ans: DOS is an Operating System. It works as an interpreter between user and computer. We give English like commands and it converts it into machine language and after the computer has processed the   information, returns the results to you in English. Microsoft Company has developed the DOS and introduced in the commercial world. The DOS is also called as Microsoft Disk Operating System (MS-DOS).

Functions Of  DOS:

1) It takes commands from keyboard and interprets them.

2) It shows all the files in the system.

3) It creates new files and allots space for them.

4) It changes the name of a file.

5) It copies information in a floppy.

6) It helps to search a file.

7) It gives printout of the data.

8) It hides the files and directories.

9) It permanently removes the file.

Features Of DOS:

1) It is the primary system where the user will get an environment about the input and output devices.

2) It is helpful in performing File Management.

3) It is a single user operating system. One user can operate at one time in this operating system.

4) It is character based interface system. We can type letters or characters in this operating system.

5)MS-DOS is easy to load and install. It neither requires much memory for the operating system, nor a very powerful computer to run on.

To get the window of the command prompt in the Windows environment

· Start -->Run--> Type “cmdàEnter,


· Start-->All programs-->Accessories-->Command Prompt

cmd.exe or command prompt is the command line interpreter on the current Windows-based OS.

It is similar to in MS-DOS. cmd.exe is a Windows program that acts as a DOS like command line interpreter.

DOS command divided into 2 parts.

1. Internal Commands or Memory-Resident Commands

2. External Command or Disk-Residence Commands

Internal Commands:

Q7)Explain Ten DOS Internal Commands.


There are also called memory-resident commands. These commands are automatically loaded into the computer’s memory during the booting process. They actually included in the file. So these commands are executable immediately after getting the dos prompt.

A few internal commands are

A command can be given in Capitals or Small letters also. The internal commands can execute immediately but External Commands require special files for their execution without which it is not possible to execute them.

1. VER: All O/S has its own edition number or release or version number. The version number indicates which edition of O/S you are working on.

Syntax: VER <Enter>

Example: C:\> Ver <Enter>

Result will be: Microsoft Windows XP [ Version 5.1.2600]

02. VOL: It is used to display volume label and serial number of the current drive

Syntax: Vol [drive:]

Example: C:\> VOL

3. DATE: Used to display the current system date and prompt for entering new date.

Syntax: Date <Enter>

Example: C:\> date <Enter>

4. TIME:  Displays the current system Time and prompt for entering new time.

Syntax: Time <Enter>

Example: C:\> Time <Enter>

5. CLS:  Clears the cluster screen.

Syntax: CLS <Enter>

Example: C:\> CLS <Enter>

6. DIR: This command displays the list of directories and files with details like date of creation whether it is directory or file etc.

Syntax: DIR <Enter>

07. MD: Used to create a new Directory or nested Directories.


Example: C:\> MD SAMS <Enter>

08. CD:  This command allows you to change present directory to another directory.

Syntax: CD [DRIVE:] PATH

Example: C:\> CD SAMS and press <Enter>

09. RD:  To delete the empty directory.

Syntax: RD [DRIVE:] PATH

NOTE: The directory must be empty when we use RD.

Example: C:\> RD SAMS and press <Enter>

10. COPY CON:We use this command to create a new file.


Example: C:\> Copy Con sams.txt <Enter>

Note: - Typing here and when you are done, press Ctr+Z or F6 key followed by Enter to save the current document.

11.COPY:- Using this command you can make duplicate files of an exiting file from one location to another or one directory to another with different name or exiting name.


Example: C:\> COPY SAMS.TXT A:\TAJ

12. DEL/ERASE: This command removes one or more files from the disk or current working directories.

SYNTAX: DEL filespec [/p] or ERASE filespec [/p]

Example: C:\> DEL C:*.BAK /P And Then Press Enter

13. REN: Used to change the name of the file or directory.

SYNTAX: REN <file name>

Example: REN sams sams1 <Enter>

8Q) Explain Dos External Commands?

Ans: These are also called Disk-Resident Commands. These commands are meant for special purpose. These are found in separate files on Hard Disk or Floppy Disk, So that they don’t typically consume valuable memory space. They are loaded into memory only when called.

Some External Command are Edit, Move, Mem and Attrib

1. EDIT: This is the DOS Editor, which you can use to edit the text file and also creating new file.

Syntax: Edit [drive:][path][filename]

EXAMPLE: C:\> EDIT c:\sams\FO.TXT and then press <Enter>

EXAMPLE: C:\> Edit NEW FILE and then press <Enter>

2. MOVE : This command moves a file or group of files from one directory to  another and also one disk to another disk. It can also be used to rename directories.

EXAMPLE: move c:\sams\fo.txt to d:

EXAMPLE: move c:\sams\fo.txt to d:\ new_sams

3. MEM: This command displays amount of total available memory ( low, Expanded and  Extended) and all currently programs.

Syntax: MEM [/f][/p][/m]


Example: MEM/p and then press <Enter>

4. ATTRIB: Every File on the Disk has its own description like size, space occupied, the type, the date it was created, etc. Likewise, every file has few attributes. The attributes of a file indicates whether it is a

i) Read-Only File: r

ii) Archive File a

iii) Hidden File: h

iv) System Files

With the ATTRIB command you can check the attributes of a file.

SYNTAX: ATTRIB [+r][+a][+h][/+s] [filename]

While Creating a new file every file gets read only attribute and archive attribute by default.

EXAMPLE: C:\> ATTRIB my.txt +R and then press <Enter>

EXAMPLE: C:\> ATTRIB my.txt +H and then press <Enter>

5. LABEL: Displays the current system volume label and it provides a chance to provide a new label(NAME) or old label.


9Q) Explain  about Windows Operating System? (IMP)

Ans:  Windows is a personal computer operating system from Microsoft.

-Windows family of OS is GUI-based operating system. Since GUI interfaces are easy to use and are user-friendly, these have become very popular.

-Windows support multi-tasking. It means Windows OS allows simultaneous execution of multiple tasks

-Windows contains built-in networking, which allows users to share files and applications with each other, if their PCs are connected to a network.

-With each new version of the Windows OS, the user interface undergoes some changes and the user has to learn to use the new interface. This becomes troublesome for the user.

Different version of windows are following:

1985 Windows 1.0 It was not successful

1990 Windows 3.0 The first commercially successful version of Windows. It is an upgrade to the interface over Windows 1 and 2

1993 Windows NT 3.1 The first Microsoft OS not based in DOS. Separate versions of NT with their DOS counterparts are released

1995 Windows 95 The first native 32 bit OS. Microsoft plans to merge the NT and DOS platforms but are unsuccessful due to backward compatibility issues and lack of hardware support of NT.

1998 Windows 98 Microsoft integrates its web browser in the GUI and file manager. Hackers can use the Internet to infiltrate a computer or network.

2000 Windows 2000 As with Windows 95, Microsoft planned Windows 2000 to merge the NT and DOS based OS’s but was unsuccessful

2001 Windows XP Windows XP successfully merges the compatibility found in Windows 98 with the stability found in Windows NT/2000. It provides enhanced stability over Windows 98.

2005 Windows XP Professional x64 Edition OS was slow to take off due to the dearth of 64-bit software and drivers 

2008 Windows Vista First 3D operating system

2009 Windows 7 Some of the new features included in Windows 7 are advancements in touch, speech, and handwriting recognition, support for virtual hard

   2012   Windows   8

   2012   Windows   8.1

   2015   Windows   10

   2021   Windows   11

Features Of  Windows:

1. Improved interface: Windows provides a completely redesigned interface. Start menu lets you access programs more quickly. Windows displays the most used items in the start menu while it hides the least used items.

2. More reliable: Windows is based on the same technology that is used in Microsoft Windows NT and Windows 2000.This makes windows much more stable and greatly reduces the number of system crashes and system restarts.

3.Better file and folder management: Windows makes it easier to view and work with files and folders for example, Thumbnail view lets you preview photos and images and the new file and folder tasks pane lets you easily copy, move, rename or delete any file or folder.

4. Better help and support: Windows provides efficient help and support with new features such as Remote Assistance which allows you to contact computer experts and lets them fix a problem on your computer even if they are miles apart geographically.

5. More secure: Windows provides new security tools that help keep your computer more secure and provide new technologies that run in the background, making your computer run more efficiently. This operating system includes the new security center which allows you to check the status of the important security elements on your computer-windows firewall, Automatic updates and virus protection software- making it convenient for you to understand how to keep your computer better protected against viruses and other security threats.

6. Clear Type: Windows provides special features called Clear Type that makes the words on  your computer screen look as smooth as the words on a page. This increases the font resolution of the words written in different programs like Notepad and WordPad.

DESKTOP:- The 1st screen of windows o/s (computer) is called desktop.

ICON:- A graphic symbol present on desktop.

TASKBAR:- A bar located at bottom of desktop. It contains “start” button, time & opened windows names…..etc.,

MENU:- Menu is a list of commands/options. Menus are of 2 types

  a) Pop-up menu ex:- start menu

 b) Pop-down menu ex:- Desktop menu, file menus.

Basic Mouse Operations

a) Point:- More the mouse over on the icon/item.

b) Click:- Press & release the left mouse.

c) Double click:- Click twice rapidly. It is used to access/open the icon/item.

d) Drag & Drop:- Hold down the left mouse button while you are moving the mouse and release at the desired position/location.

10Q) Explain in brief about unix operating system? (IMP)

Ans: Unix is a powerful computer operating system that acts as base software to control a computer system and its peripherals. It was basically developed for programmers and scientists whose work was related to  hardware.

Its functions are similar to that of the popular operating systems like windows or MAC O/S. It provides the base mechanism to boot a computer, log in, run an application, store and retrieve files.  It is commonly used in Internet server, workstations and PCs by Solaris, Intel, HPs, etc.

Unix was written in C language and was created to be portable, multi tasking and multi user system in a time sharing configuration.

Structure of Unix O/S:

Kernel: The kernel is surrounded by the software for executing commands, running the processes under foreground and background.

·   -It is the central core of Unix.

·   -It can directly interact with hardware.

· -It schedule processes, control and execute various user jobs.

·   -It manages data storage and access.

· -It controls the access to the computer by several users.

o   Interpreter that interprets the commands given by the user and gets them executed by the kernel.

o   Programming capability that allows the users to write shell script (shell program).              

Shell: The shell which is also called command interpreter. It receives and understands the commands issued by the user. It acts as an interface between the user and kernel. The user interacts with the shell by issuing shell commands. There are 2 major parts of shell.

Utilities: Utilities are the commands defined in the system directories / bin. Utilities are make user job is easy, particularly in efficient system programming and application development like open the files, process the files and output the results.

There are numerous tools available

·    -for processing files;

·    -for editing programs such as ed;

·    -for processing text such as cut, copy, paste;

·    -for developing programs;

· -for communication such as mail, write messages and so on.

The user itself can create his own tools, which are executable files defined in his own directory.

Features Of Unix O/S:

➢ Multi user accessing / Resource sharing

➢ Multi tasking

➢ Security

➢ Portability

➢ Communication

➢ Utilities

➢ Programmer support

11Q) Explain About Linux Operating System? (IMP)

Ans: Linux is an open source operating system which is powerful and easy to implement. It can easily installed onto the computer system. Linux observes POSIX (Portable Operating System Interface) specifications and is provided with extensions similar to Unix.

Design principles of Linux OS:

· -It is multi user, multi tasking and multi programming operating system consisting of tools with traditional Unix.

· -It implements the structure and networking model of unix.

·    -It is platform independent.

·  -It is more suitable for architecture of personal computers.

·   -It can be executed on multiple processors or machines.

Linux Development Process:

-The Linux OS involves several components during its development process.

-Initially, open source development community generates a source code for an OS kernel and sends it to kernel developer’s core team.

-The main role of this team is to verify the advantages of the additional features that can perform the modifications be included in existing kernel. If these additional features are found to be advantages to the kernel, then kernel efficiency is improved.

-The programmers and application vendors install the kernel that is easily available and then builds different types of application software for this kernel.

-They perform distribution of company’s package and sell different versions of Linux.

-Hardware vendors integrate Linux on respect systems and send those systems with Linux OS and a group of application software.

-Finally, the 3rd party runs Linux and applications for full-filling their processing necessities.

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